Biofumigation 7 Symposium

International Symposium on Biocidal and Non-Biocidal Plants to improve Soil Health

Welcome to the Biofumigation 7 Symposium !

The Biofumigation 7 Symposium is over! And the good news is that we can already announce that the next Biofumigation Symposium will take place in Argentina in 2024! We will publish more information on this website in the next weeks.

We would like to thank all the authors of the presentations and posters for their excellent contributions! Their answers to the numerous questions were most valuable and helped to make the use of plants for biofumigation and other purposes more attractive to people from all over the world.

And we would also like to thank all the participants for their active participations! You not only asked many questions, but also contributed valuable information and tips to the symposium platform chat. We hope that you will also join us for the next symposium and wish you a good and successful time until then.

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Worldwide on-line event

Initially planned to take place in Switzerland, the structure of the Symposium was modified to allow a direct participation of all participants, independently of their geographical location. Therefore, during the five days of the symposium, the presentations and exchanges will take place from 13-17h (1-5 pm) Central European Time (CET) time zone.
The symposium is divided into two events, one concerning biocidal plants and one concerning non-biocidal plants. Go to the registration page, there you can easily sign up to the events.


Scientific Committee

Lionel Alletto
CA Occitane, France

Matthew Back
Harper Adams University, UK

Dale Gies
High Performance Seeds, USA

Aurélie Gfeller 
Agroscope, Switzerland

John Kirkegaard
CSIRO, Australia

Niel Kruger
InteliGro, South Africa

Luca Lazzeri
CREA, Italy

Matthias Lutz
Agroscope, Switzerland 

Vincent Michel
Agroscope, Switzerland

Giampiero Patalano
Nutrien, Italy 

Michaela Schlathölter
PHPetersen, Germany 

URL for direct access