Research Programs 2008-2013
The „AgriMontana“ program is based on the idea that sustainable development is feasible in mountain areas and that these regions can meet the demands of the local population and society at large. This demands the elaboration of both an action framework and political measures. Furthermore, know how must be developed on which regional players can base their decisions and to assist a policy designed to ensure sustainable development in mountain areas.
The „NutriScope“ program aims at optimizing parameters determining quality, safety and health along the food chain, from „farm to fork“, in order to offer consumers maximum value for money. Work will concentrate on the economically important foodstuffs manufactured from raw materials of Swiss agriculture.
„ProfiCrops“ aims at developing, preparing, evaluating and exchanging information in order to ensure a future for Swiss crop production in a largely liberalized market and to reinforce the confidence of consumers in Swiss products.