
Publikation Umfrage Ernaehrung ueber 50

Survey on Nutrition 50+

Demographic trends in Switzerland show that, owing to an increased life expectancy, the over-65 population group will continue to grow in the 21st century. A balanced, healthy diet is of vital importance for health and well-being in old age, in order to reduce the risk of various chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular ailments. A survey of 632 individuals aged between 50 and 81 years was conducted to determine both the eating habits and behaviours and the nutritional knowledge of this demographic, as well as the frequency with which they consumed various foods, particularly those of animal origin. More on this topic can be found at the link below: 

Dairy products: requirements concerning
added fruit

The addition of fruit to dairy products can lead to food-safety risks. As part of a Bachelor’s thesis, an assessment was created for the evaluation and management of potential risks in order to reduce the likelihood of contamination to a minimum. The findings of the thesis are very important for smaller and medium-sized milk-processing establishments in particular, and are to be published as part of the InterLab sampling guidelines. 

Publikationen Thomas Berger

Berger T., Jakob E., Imhof R., Hummerjohann J.
Practical experience with process hygiene criteria referring to the safety of milk products and the reliability of certification [Poster].
IDF World Dairy Summit, 20.-24. September 2009, Berlin, 2009, 1-1.

Egger C., Berger T.
Monitoring der Milchpasteurisierung durch milcheigene Enzyme am Beispiel der Alkalischen Phosphatase .
In: Progress Meeting Diss BoNT in Milch. 07.11.2008, Hrsg. ALP, Spiez. 2008, 1-18.

Berger T., Maurer J., Schaeren W., Egger L.
Alcaline Phosphatase Activity in Swiss Ewe´s and Goat´s Milk.
In: 11th Workshop of the EU CRL MMP on Alcaline Phosphatase. 8.-9. October 2008, Hrsg. AGES, Wien. 2008, 1-7.

Berger T.
Tasks of NRL and role of ALP.
In: SCCS meeting AIA. 1.-3. October 2008, Hrsg. ALP, Rom. 2008, 1-19.

Berger T., Brunner S., Egger L.
Production and characterization of reference material by ALP.
In: SCCS meeting AIA. 1.-3. October 2008, Hrsg. ALP, Rom. 2008, 1-13.

Gerber, D., Bühlmann, G., Seelhofer, N., Thürlemann, P., Berger, T., Jakob, E.
Der MIBD - Rückblick auf eine zehnjährige Pionierleistung.
Agrarforschung, 14, (10), 2007, 496-501.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Berger T.
Criteria Approach – Flexibles System von gesetzlichen Vorgaben für die chemisch-physikalische Analytik.
In: ALP-Kolloquium. 13.09.2007, Hrsg. ALP, Liebefeld. 2007, 1-36.

Jakob, E., Aebischer, S., Berger, T., Schnebeli, K.
Gewährleistung der Lebensmittelsicherheit in der gewerblichen Milchverarbeitung - Eine Aktualisierung.
ALP forum, (54), 2007, 1-20.

Badertscher, R., Berger, T., Kuhn, R.
Densitometric determination of the fat content of milk and milk products.
International Dairy Journal, 17, 2007, 20-23.

Imdorf, A., Bogdanov, S., Kilchenmann, V., Berger, T.
Toxic effects of essential oils and some of their components on Varroa destructor Oud. and Apis mellifera under laboratory conditions.
ALP science, (495), 2006, 3-18.

Berger, T., Badertscher, R.
Probenahme bei Milch und Milchprodukten.
Agrarforschung, 13, (1), 2006, 28-33.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Imdorf, A., Bogdanov, S., Kilchenmann, V., Berger, T.
Toxic effects of essential oils and some of their components on varroa destructor oud and apis mellifera L under laboratory conditions.
ALP science, (495), 2006, 1-18.

Berger, T.
Mehr Freiheit - mehr Verantwortung = Plus de liberté et de responsabilité.
Alimenta, (9), 2006, 4-5.

Berger, T., Bütikofer, U., Muralt, L., Rieder, K., Rhyn, P., Züst, C.
Bestimmung von Nisin A in Käse mit LC/MS und LC/MS/MS.
Mitteilung Lebensmittel Hygiene, 96, 2005, 336-350.

Guggisberg, D., Bütikofer, U., Liniger, A., Berger, T.
Gefrierpunktbestimmung - Ringversuch September 2004.
ALP science, (481), 2004, 1-9.

Dalla Torre M., Berger, T.
Bestimmung der Anzahl Sporen von C. Tyrobutyricum und Buttersäure-Bazillen in Milch.
ALP science, (474), 2004, 1-11.

Dalla Torre M., Berger, T.
Nachweis und Zählung der Propionsäure-Bakterien in Rohmilch.
ALP science, (475), 2004, 1-13.

Guggisberg, D., Albrecht, B., Bütikofer, U., Liniger, A., Berger, T.
Gefrierpunktbestimmung - Ringversuch September 2003.
ALP science, (470), 2004, 1-7.

Dalla Torre M., Berger, T.
Nachweis und Zählung der Koagulase-positiven Staphylokokken in Milch.
ALP science, (472), 2004, 1-11.

Dalla Torre M., Berger, T.
Nachweis und Zählung der E.coli-Bakterien in Milch.
ALP science, (469), 2004, 1-11.

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Absorption of carotenoids from spinach in humans

Leafy-green vegetables are a significant source of the carotenoids lutein and beta-carotene, both of which are important for sight. The findings of a recently concluded intervention study point towards lower baseline serum levels and poorer absorption of these carotenoids in short-bowel patients than in healthy individuals. Potential long-term effects on vision owing to malabsorption of these food constituents have yet to be elucidated.

Minimising pathogens on vegetables

The number of infectious diseases caused by the consumption of vegetables contaminated with human-pathogenic bacteria is on the rise worldwide. The location and potential absorption of such bacteria in vegetable plants as well as the role of input sources such as irrigation water are currently only partially clarified. In a current research project, Agroscope is investigating the colonisation of salad plants with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in cooperation with the University of Hohenheim, Germany.