
Zeitschrift Agrarforschung Schweiz

Swiss Agricultural Research

Swiss Agricultural Research publishes Swiss agriculture and food sector research findings online. This open-access journal is published by Agroscope. Additional partners are the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, the School of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences HAFL and the AGRIDEA advisory centres.

Vignes et vergers 08.2024

Vignes et Vergers

The Swiss journal of viticulture, arboriculture and horticulture distributes the results of agronomic research in the fields of special cultures, food sciences, nutrition and the environment. The journal is published by AMTRA (Association for the Utilisation of Agricultural Research) in collaboration with Agroscope, with Changins School of Engineering (HES-SO), with Agora, with Agridea and with fenaco.

Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau

Obst + Wein

The Swiss Journal of Obst + Wein (O+W) publishes bi-weekly experimental reports (3-5 pages each) and original survey articles, written by experts from the German speaking part of Europe, in particular of Agroscope and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences.