Study on Climate-Resilient Arable Farming

 Studie «Klimaresilienter Ackerbau 2035»

On behalf of Schweizer Hagel, fenaco and the Swiss Farmers’ Union, Agroscope has established a study on climate-resilient arable farming in 2035, with the topic of drought at the centre of the study.

Climate change and in particular drought and heat are major challenges for arable farming. The first part of the project summarises the current state of knowledge and practices for climate-resilient agriculture in a report and proposes possible adaptations.

The effects of drought and heat on crops depend on a variety of factors, such as the intensity and duration of stress factors and the timing of their occurrence during the growing season. Irrigation and the choice of drought- and heat-tolerant varieties are therefore at the centre of the measures investigated.

Link to the detailed study:

Last modification 08.02.2024

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