Tracking Down the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus


Il virus ToBRFV rappresenta una nuova minaccia per l’agricoltura svizzera, soprattutto per pomodori, peperoni e peperoncini piccanti. Agroscope svolge un ruolo chiave nella lotta a questo organismo da quarantena in Svizzera.

Press release


Tracking Down the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus

The tomato brown rugose fruit virus poses a new threat to Swiss agriculture – especially to tomatoes and peppers. Agroscope is playing a key role in controlling this quarantine organism in Switzerland. A newly created research group diagnoses submitted plant samples in the quarantine laboratory via a PCR test. A positive test result requires tough measures to prevent spread and contain damage: recently, an entire delivery of 6000 seedlings had to be destroyed at Zurich airport.


Last modification 24.05.2022

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