
Publikationen Philippe Jeanneret

Philippe Jeanneret, Stéfano Pozzi, Iris Klaus, Stephan Bosshart
Araignées. Richesse en espèces et abondance.
ART-Schriftenreihe, 56, 2005, 95-104.

Philippe Jeanneret, Stéfano Pozzi, Iris Klaus, Stephan Bosshart
Spinnen. Arten- und Individuenreichtum.
Schriftenreihe der FAL, 56, 2005, 95-104.

Philippe Jeanneret, Stéphanie Aviron, Felix Herzog, Henryk Luka, Stéfano Pozzi, Thomas Walter
Temporal trends of arthropod diversity in conventional and low-input meadows.
Grassland Science in Europe, 10, 2005, 344-347.

Regina Jöhl, Eva Knop, Felix Herzog, Philippe Jeanneret, Thomas Walter, Peter Duelli, Klaus C. Ewald
Gefährdete Heuschrecken in extensiv genutzten Wiesen.
Agrarforschung, 11, (5), 2004, 156-161.

Siegfried Keller, Christian Schweizer, Ruth Bruderer, Christophe Jaberg, Philippe Jeanneret, Padruot M. Fried
Der Einfluss von Ökologisierungsmassnahmen auf die Laufkäferpopulationen in Ackerbaugebieten des schweizerischen Mittellandes.
Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 77, 2004, 229-245.

Stéphanie Aviron, Serge Buholzer, Felix Herzog, Philippe Jeanneret, S. Pozzi
Butterfly diversity in Swiss agricultural landscapes: The effect of low-input habitats and landscape pattern.

Stéphanie Aviron, Felix Herzog, Serge Buholzer, J. Derron, S. Dreier, Gabriela Hofer, Philippe Jeanneret, Hendryk Luka, C. Marfurt, L. Pfiffner, S. Pozzi, Béatrice Schüpbach, M. Spiess, Thomas Walter
Effect of low-input habitats on biodiversity in Swiss agricultural landscapes. Book of Proceedings.

Felix Herzog, Stéphanie Aviron, Serge Buholzer, J. Derron, S. Dreier, Gabriela Hofer, Philippe Jeanneret, H. Luka, C. Marfurt, L. Pfiffner, S. Pozzi, Béatrice Schüpbach, M. Spiess, Thomas Walter
Do ecological compensation areas promote biodiversity in the Swiss agricultural landscape?

Philippe Jeanneret, Serge Buholzer, L. Pfiffner, S. Pozzi, Béatrice Schüpbach
Main factors affecting arthropod diversity in cultivated landscapes.

Philippe Jeanneret, L. Pfiffner, S. Pozzi, Thomas Walter
Impact of low input meadows on arthropod diversity at habitat and landscape scale. Proceeding.

Markus Peter, M. Hohl, Philippe Jeanneret, Thomas Walter, Andreas Lüscher
Changes of grassland biodiversity over two decades in Grindelwald, northern Swiss Alps. Poster presentation.

Markus Peter, Daniel Nyfeler, Philippe Jeanneret, P.J. Edwards, J. Troxler, Andreas Lüscher
Botanical composition of grassland in the Alps as an indicator for changes in management. Proceeding.

Thomas Walter, Felix Herzog, Simon Birrer, Suzanne Dreier, M. Hunziker, Philippe Jeanneret, Andreas Lüscher, B. Peter, L. Pfiffner, M. Spiess
Effects of ecological compensation areas on species diversity in the Swiss grassland - an overview. Proceedings.

I. Weyermann, M. Peter, Philippe Jeanneret, Andreas Lüscher
Impact of grazing of different animal types on the botanical composition of grassland in the Alps. Poster Presentation.

Felix Herzog, Serge Buholzer, J. Derron, Suzanne Dreier, Gabriela Hofer, Philippe Jeanneret, Henryk Luka, C. Marfurt, Lukas Pfiffner, S. Pozzi, Beatrice Schüpbach, M. Spiess, Thomas Walter
Effect of low-input habitats on biodiversity in Swiss agricultural landscapes.

Andreas Lüscher, M. Hohl, D. Kampmann, M. Peter, Felix Herzog, Philippe Jeanneret
Driving forces for changes in management and biodiversity of Alpine grasslands - basis for planning future development.

Philippe Jeanneret, Beatrice Schüpbach, Lukas Pfiffner, Thomas Walter
Arthropod reaction to landscape and habitat features in agricultural landscapes.
Landscape Ecology, 18, 2003, 253-263.

Philippe Jeanneret, Beatrice Schüpbach, Henryk Luka
Quantifying the impact of landscape and habitat features on biodiversity in cultivated landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 98, 2003, 311-320.

Philippe Jeanneret, Beatrice Schüpbach, Lukas Pfiffner, Felix Herzog, Thomas Walter
The Swiss agri-environmental programme and its effects on selected biodiversity indicators.
Journal for Nature Conservation, 11, 2003, 213-220.

Daniel O., Desaules A., Flisch R., Gaillard G., Herzog F., Hofer G., Jeanneret P., Nemecek T., Oberholzer H., Prasuhn V., Ramsauer M., Richner W., Schüpbach B., Spiess E., Vonarburg U. P. und weitere
Agrar-Umweltindikatoren: Machbarkeitsstudie für die Umsetzung in der Schweiz.
Schriftenreihe der FAL, 47, 2003, 1-70.

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