
Publikationen Stefan Mann

Mann S.
Angestellte in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft: Lohn und Freundlichkeit gleichermassen entscheidend.
UFA-Revue, 10, 2023, 23-26.

Mann S., Bobeică M., Beciu S., Arghiroiu G. A.
Is there a food waste Kuznet curve?: Some evidence from China, Romania and Switzerland.
Environmental Protection Research, 3, (2), 2023, 230-239.

Mann S.
Fünf Franken für den Liter Milch.
Der Schweizer Bauer, 2023.

Mann S., Arghiroiu G. A.
Sustainable food as a three-dimensional system.
Scientific Paper Series: Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 23, (3), 2023, 491-500.

Reguant Closa A., Loginova D., Mann S., Nemecek T.
NHE dimensions of consumer trends.
In: Reckenholz kolloquium. 2. November, Reckenholz. 2023, 1-18.

Roesch A., Douziech M., Mann S., Lansche J., Gaillard G.
Methoden zur Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit von Nahrungsmitteln: Mögliche Fallstricke und Beispiele.
In: 13. Ökobilanz Plattform Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. 20. Juni, Zürich. 2023, 1-11.

Roesch A., Douziech M., Mann S., Lansche J., Gaillard G.
Methoden zur Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit von Nahrungsmitteln: Mögliche Fallstricke und Beispiele.
In: 13. Ökobilanz Plattform Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. 20. Juni, Zürich. 2023, 1-11.

Mink S., Loginova D., Mann S.
Wolves' contribution to structural change in grazing systems among swiss alpine summer farms: The evidence from causal random forest.
Journal of Agricultural Economics, In Press, 2023, 1-17.

Mann S., Loginova D.
Distinguishing inter- and pangenerational food trends.
Agricultural and Food Economics, 11, 2023, 1-18.

Mann S., Hunziker M., Torregroza L., Wartmann F., Kienast F., Schüpbach B.
Landscape quality payments in Switzerland: The congruence between policy and preferences.
Journal of Policy Modeling, 45, 2023, 251-265.

Biswas A., Afrad M.S.I., Hoque M. Z., Al Mamun A., Habib M. A., Nayak S., Islam S., Nuruzzaman, Mann S.
Rice variety preferences in Bangladesh: What is the role of public breeders?
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 41, (5), 2023, 152-164.

Roesch A., Flury C. M., Nemecek T., Mann S., Ritzel C., Gilgen A.
Indicator-based agri-environmental direct payments: Assessment of three systems of different complexity levels.
Ecological Indicators, 147, 2023, 1-12.

Ritzel C., Mann S., van Zyl-Bulitta V.
Prosuming alone or together: A bisectoral approach to conceptualizing the commons prosumer.
International Journal of the Commons, 16, (1), 2023, 295-309.

Mann S., Kaiser A.
Why is agricultural policy not more environmentally ambitious? Comparing failed attempts in Switzerland.
Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 11, 2023, 1-7.

Heitkämper K., Reissig L., Bravin E., Glück S., Mann S.
Digital technology adoption for plant protection: Assembling the environmental, labour, economic and social pieces of the puzzle.
Smart Agricultural Technology, 4, 2023, 1-11.

Novet M., Ackermann C., Mann S.
Whinny friendships: Relationships to equids in Swiss equestrian leisure culture.
Agroscope Science, 152, 2023, 1-17.

Haller M., Mann S.
Konsequenzen eines verminderten Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes: Erfahrungen aus dem Kanton Bern.
Agroscope Science, 150, 2023, 1-91.

Mann S., Beciu S., Arghiroiu A.
Colouring the Balassa index: a hermeneutic approach towards Romanian meat imports.
Ciência Rural, 53, (2), 2023, 1-9.

Loginova D., Mann S.
Measuring stability and structural breaks: Applications in social sciences.
Journal of Economic Surveys, 37, (2), 2023, 302-320.

Mink S., Mann S.
The effect of wolves on the exit and voicing exit of Swiss mountain farmers.
Journal of Rural Studies, 96, 2022, 167-179.

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