
Publications Sébastien Dubois

Schmid A., Badertscher R., Scherrer D., Portmann R., Dubois S., Spahni M., Stoffers-Kneubühler H.
Zusammensetzung diverser Schweizer Kochpökelwaren.
Fleischwirtschaft, (12), 2011, 97-100.

Pauly C., Spring-Staehli P., O'Doherty J.V., Kragten S.A., Dubois S., Messadene-Chelali J., Bee G.
The effects of method of castration, rearing condition and diet on sensory quality of pork assessed by a trained panel.
Meat Science, 86, 2010, 498-504.

Frick G., Dubois S., Chaubert C., Ampuero S.
Identification by microscopy and MS-based electronic nose of a fraudulent addition to maize gluten.
Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society, Environment, 13, (S), 2009, 45-50.

Dubois S., Frick G., Chaubert C.
Détection de gluten de maïs falsifié.
Revue suisse d'agriculture, 41, (3), 2009, 173-177.
autres langues: allemand

Mallia S., Escher, F., Dubois S., Schieberle, P., Schlichtherle-Cerny H.
Characterization and Quantification of Odor-Active Compounds in Unsaturated Fatty Acid/Conjugated linoleic Acid (UFA/CLA)-enriched Butter during Storage and Induced Oxidation.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, (16), 2009, 7464-7472.

Bee, G., Ampuero, S., Dubois, S., Amrhein, M.
Wie gut erkennt die elektronische Nase den Ebergeruch.
Vets2008 - GST-Jahreskongress, 2009, 161-163.

Pauly, C., Spring, P., Bee, G., Ampuero S., Dubois S., Messadene-Chelali J.
Effet de la castration et de la distribution d`amidon de pomme de terre natif sur les performances et la qualité de la viande de jeunes verrats : Effect of castration and distribution of raw potato starch on performance and meat quality of entire male pigs.
40èmes Journées Recherche Porcine, Paris, 5 et 6 6 février 2008, 2008, 81-82.

Ampuero, S., Amrhein, M., Dubois, S., Bee, G.
Identification of boar-tainted pork carcasses with an electronic nose.
ASAS Meeting, Indianapolis, 2008, 2008, 1-2.

Ampuero, S., Amrhein, M., Dubois, S., Bee, G.
Identification of boar off-flavour with an electronic nose.
Girona, 2008, 1-2.

Ampuero, S., Dubois, S., Bee, G., Amrhein, M.
Un nez pour détecter sans peine l`odeur de verrat.
Suisseporcs Information, (12), 2007, 13-13.
autres langues: allemand

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