
Publikationen Johannes Klaus Köstel

Heller O., Schittli D., Bragazza L., Ghiasi S., Guillaume T., van der Heijden M., Köstel J. K., Mayer J., Wittwer R., Keller T.
Can we manage soil structure for improved resistance against droughts and extreme rainfall events?: Preliminary results from the SoilX Project.
In: BGS Tagung 2024. 21 March, Zollikofen. 2024, 1.

Casali E., Larsbo M., Köstel J. K., Jarvis N.
Macropore flow in relation to the geometry and topology of soil macropore networks: Re-visiting the kinematic wave equation.
Journal of Hydrology, 630, 2024, 1-9.

Garland G., Köstel J. K., Johannes A., Heller O., Doetterl S., Or D., Keller T.
Perspectives on the misconception of levitating soil aggregates.
Soil, 10, 2024, 23-31.

Schlüter S., Köstel J. K.
Soil Structure.
In: Encyclopedia of soils in the environment, Volume 5. Second Edition, Hrsg. Academic Press 2023, Elsevier. 2023, 1-7.

Larsbo M., Köstel J. K., Krab E., Klaminder J.
Quantifying earthworm soil ingestion from changes in vertical bulk density profiles.
European Journal of Soil Biology, 120, 2023, 1-9.

Schwenk A., Larsbo M., Jarvis N., Köstel J. K.
Three-dimensional X-ray imaging of macropore flow.
Geoderma, 440, 2023, 1-18.

Blanchy G., Albrecht L., Bragato G., Garré S., Jarvis N., Köstel J. K.
Impacts of soil management and climate on saturated and near-saturated hydraulic conductivity: Analyses of the Open Tension-disk Infiltrometer Meta-database (OTIM).
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27, (14), 2023, 2703-2724.

Tschanz P., Köstel J. K., Volpe V., Albrecht M., Keller T.
Morphology and temporal evolution of ground-nesting bee burrows created by solitary and social species quantified through X-ray imaging.
Geoderma, 438, 2023, 1-13.

Heller O., ten Damme L., D'Hose T., Euteneuer P., Fér M., Goberna M., Jarvis N., Keller T., Köstel J. K., Mehdi-Schulz B., Munkholm L.J.
Management impacts on soil structure: Evidence from twelve European long-term experiments.
In: BONARES Conference. 15. Mai, Berlin. 2023, 1.

Blanchy G., Albrecht L., Köstel J. K., Garré S.
Potential of natural language processing for metadata extraction from environmental scientific publications.
Soil, 9, (1), 2023, 155-168.

Klaminder J., Krab E., Larsbo M., Jonsson H., Fransson J., Köstel J. K.
Holes in the tundra: Invasive earthworms alter soil structure and moisture in tundra soils.
Science of the Total Environment, 859, (Part 2), 2023, 1-8.

Blanchy G., Albrecht L., Bragato G., Jarvis N., Köstel J. K.
Open Tension-disk Infiltrometer Meta-database (OTIM).
Hrsg. BONARES, 30. Februar, 2022

Schwab P., Sommer M., Weisskopf P., Gubler A., Köstel J. K., Zimmermann R.
Bodenphysikalische Kennwerte von 14 Standorten der Nationalen Bodenbeobachtung NABO.
Agroscope Science, 143, 2022, 1-69.

Köstel J. K., Fukumasu J., Larsbo M., Herrmann A., Ariyathilaka P., Magdysyuk O., Burca G.
Potential of combined neutron and X-ray imaging to quantify local carbon contents in soil.
European Journal of Soil Science, 73, (1), 2022, 1-19.

Fukumasu J., Jarvis N., Köstel J. K., Kätterer T., Larsbo M.
Relations between soil organic carbon content and the pore size distribution for an arable topsoil with large variations in soil properties.
European Journal of Soil Science, 73, (1), 2022, 1-15.

Johannes A., Fontana M., Köstel J. K., Keller T., Weisskopf P., Bragazza L.
Recovery of compacted subsoil : introducing the ROCSUB project.
In: EGU22. 26. April, Vienna. 2022.

Heinze W. M., Mitrano D. M., Lahive E., Köstel J. K., Cornelis G.
Nanoplastic Transport in Soil via Bioturbation by Lumbricus terrestris.
Environmental Science & Technology, 55, (25), 2021, 16423-16433.

Köstel J. K., Fukumasu J., Garland G., Larsbo M., Svensson N.D.
Approaches to delineate aggregates in intact soil using X-ray imaging.
Geoderma, 402, 2021, 115360-115371.

Fukumasu J., Poeplau C., Coucheney E., Jarvis N., Klöffel T., Köstel J. K., Kätterer T., Svensson D. N., Wetterlind J., Larsbo M.
Oxalate-extractable aluminum alongside carbon inputs may be a major determinant for organic carbon content in agricultural topsoils in humid continental climate.
Geoderma, 402, (15 November), 2021, 1-12.

Lehoux A., Isidorova A., Collin F., Köstel J. K., Snowball I., Dahlberg A.-K.
Extreme gas production in anthropogenic fibrous sediments: an overlooked biogenic source of greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmental Science & Technology, 781, 2021, 146772-146780.

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