
Publikationen Xavier Simonnet

Carron C.-A., Simonnet X., Christ B.
Rapport annuel | Jahresbericht 2019 Plantes médicinales et aromatiques Medizinal- und Aromapflanzen.
Agroscope Transfer, 338, 2020, 1-80.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Carron C.-A., Simonnet X., MC Cardell J. H., Carlen C.
Sélection d'un écotype d'impératoire (Peucedanum ostruthium (L.) W.D.J. Koch).
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 52, (2), 2020, 96-103.

Camps C., Werne S., Quennoz M., Simonnet X., Gilli C.
Quantification of Condensed Tannins in Sainfoin Powder (Onobrychisviciifolia) by FT-NIR Spectroscopy.
Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research and Development, 4, (1), 2017, 58-66.

Camps C., Gérard M., Quennoz M., Brabant C., Oberson C., Simonnet X.
Prediction of essential oil content of oregano by hand-held and Fourier transform NIR spectroscopy.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94, (7), 2014, 1397-1402.

Michel V., Debrunner N., Simonnet X.
A rapid greenhouse screening method to identify St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) accesions resistant to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.
HortScience, 49, (1), 2014, 31-34.

Simonnet X., Quennoz M., Carlen C.
The oregano cultivar CARVA offers a reliable supply of natural carvacrol for veterinary medicine.
In: GA 2013. 2 septembre, Hrsg. GA, Münster, D. 2013, 1-1.

Simonnet X., Quennoz M., Carlen C.
Sainfoin production and contents of condensed tannins for veterinary medicine.
In: GA 2013. 2 septembre, Hrsg. GA, Münster, D. 2013, 1-1.

Carlen C., Vouillamoz J., Carron C.-A., Baroffio C., Quennoz M., Simonnet X.
Forschung und Entwicklung in der Schweiz für den grossflächigen Anbau von Kräutern in Höhenlagen.
In: Arge Alp Kräuterfachtagung. 16 novembre, Hrsg. FA Laimburg, Laimburg. 2013, 1-1.

Camps C., Gérard M., Quennoz M., Brabant C., Oberson C., Simonnet X.
Predition of essential oil content of oregano by handheld- and fourier transform- NIR Spectroscopy.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 10.10002, (6427), 2013, 1-20.

Camps C., Simonnet X.
Determination of artemisinin content by hand-held NIR and FT-NIR spectroscopy: a promising tool for breeding of high artemisinin content plants and quality control of harvest.
In: ICNIR2013. 03.06., Hrsg. IRSTEA, CIRAD, UM2, HELIOSPIR, Montpellier. 2013, 1-1.

Simonnet X., Quennoz M., Carlen C.
Seed Germination Behaviour of the Endangered Medicinal Plant Podophyllum hexandrum.
Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), (955), 2012, 309-313.

Carlen C., Carron C.-A., Simonnet X.
Optimising the Cultivation of White Genepi to Achieve Stable Yields and High Quality.
Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), (955), 2012, 211-218.

Sigg S., Simonnet X., Heller W., Carlen C.
Désinfection à la vapeur aérée, une solution pour les semences biologiques de plantes aromatiques et médicinales ?
Revue suisse de viticulture arboriculture horticulture, 44, (3), 2012, 170-177.

Simonnet X., Quennoz M., Carlen C.
Artemisia annua L.: Apollon, eine neue Hybridsorte mit hohem Artemisinin-Ertrag.
In: 2011.

Sigg S., Sportes A., Simonnet X., Heller W., Carlen C.
Einfluss der Heissdampf-Behandlung von Saatgut von Heil- und Gewürzpflanzen auf den Krankheitsbefall und die Keimfähigleit von Saatgut von Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen.
In: 2011.

Camps C., Toussirot M., Quennoz M., Simonnet X.
Determination of artemisinin and moisture content of Artemisia annua L. dry powder using a hand-held near infrared spectroscopy device.
JNIRS, (19), 2011, 191-198.

Simonnet X., Quennoz M., Carlen C., Lopez O., Kowalyzyn D., Giccia G., Desmarchelier C.
Performance of Artemisia annua L. cultivars in different locations in Argentina.
Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 860, 2010, 187-192.

Simonnet X., Quennoz M., Jacquemettaz P., Piantini U., Carlen C.
Incidence of the phenological stage on the yield and quality of floral stems of white genepi (Artemisia umbelliformis Lam.).
Acta Horticulturae, 826, 2009, 31-34.

Simonnet X., Quennoz M., Jacquemettaz P., Piantini P., Carlen C.
Incidence of the Phemological Stage on the Yield and Quality of Floral Stems of White Genepi (Artemisia umbelliformis LAM).
Acta Horticulturae, (826), 2009, 31-34.

Simonnet X., Desmarchelier C., Quennoz M., Carlen C.
Performance of the cultivar Artemis (Artemisia annua L.) in three different locations in Argentina.

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