
Publikationen Jürg Ernst Frey

Duffy B, Frey J, Goesmann A., VO
Complete genome sequencing of Pantoea agglomerans strain C9-1.
IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 43, 2009, 375-378.

Kellerhals M, Patocchi A, Frey J, Duffy B, Silvestri G
Qualità e sostenibilità nei programmi di miglioramento genetico di ACW in Svizzera.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 1, 2008, 18-24.

Rezzonico F, Pelludat C, Frey J, Duffy B, Rezzonico F., Smits T, Duffy B
Biosafety of Pantoea agglomerans.

Smits T, Rezzonico F, Pelludat C, Frey J, Duffy B
Complete genome sequencing of Pantoea agglomerans C9-1, an effective antagonist of the fire blight b.

Kellerhals M, Patocchi A, Frey J, Duffy B, Silvestri G
Qualità e sostenibilità nei programmi svizzeri di miglioramento genetico.
Rivista di Frutticoltura, 11, 2008, 22-29.

Kellerhals M, Spuhler M, Duffy B, Patocchi A, Frey J
Selection efficiency in apple breeding.

Kiewnick S, Karssen G, Brito JA, Oggenfuss M, Frey J
First Report of Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii on Tomato and Cucumber in Switzerland.
Plant Disease, 92, (9), 2008, 1370-1370.

Kiewnick S, Oggenfuss M, Roth I, Eder R, Frey J., Frey B.
Neue Nematodenart in Schweizer Gewächshäusern entdeckt.
Der Gemüsebau, 2, 2008, 12-13.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Kiewnick S, Karssen G, Brito JA, Oggenfuss M, Frey J
Occurence of Meloidogyne enterolobii in Switzerland.
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 115, (3), 2008, 134-134.

Timm A.E., Stiller M., Frey J.E.
A molecular identification key for economically important thrips species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in southern Africa.

Kiewnick S., Oggenfuss M., Roth I, Eder R., Frey J., Frey B.
Neue Nematodenart in Schweizer Gewächshäusern entdeckt.
Maraîcher (Le) - Der Gemüsebau, 2, 2008, 7-8.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Frey JE, Pasquer F, Frey J, Pasquer F, Pfunder M
Five years of COST Action 853 - a short overview.
Agricultural Biomarkers for Array Technology, 2008, 1-6.

Pasquer F, Frey B, Frey JE, Pasquer F
Identification of cherry incompatibility alleles by microarray.
Plant Breeding, 127, 2008, 413-417.

Bertschinger L, Bünter M, Buser A, Frey J, Höhn H, Gasser F, Ladner J, Malevez J, Schwizer Th, Stadler W, Weibel F, Widmer A
Steinobstzentrum Breitenhof - Jahresbericht 2005.

Frei A., Baumgartner D., Frey J., E. Gafner J.
Identification and characterization of Swiss grapevine cultivars using microsatellite markers.

Tobler N, Pfunder M, Katrin Herzog, Frey JE, Altwegg M
Rapid detection and species identification of Mycobacterium spp. using real-time PCR and DNA-Microar.

Pfunder M, Frey JE
Isolation of microsatellite markers for Contarinia nasturtii, a European pest invading the New World.

Frei A, Naomi A. Porret, Baumgartner D, Frey J, Gafner J
Rebsortenbestimmung mit «kriminaltechnologischen» Methoden.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 2005, 10-10.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Pfunder M, Frey JE
Dissociation Analysis in Polymerase Chain Reaction and 1X SSC Buffer as a Prerequisite for Selection.

Deyong Z, Willingmann P, Heinze C, Adam G, Pfunder M, Frey B, Frey JE
Differentiation of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates by hybridization to oligonucleotides in a microarr.

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