
Publikationen Louis Sutter

Sutter L., Ganser D., Herzog F., Albrecht M.
Wildbienen - die unterschätzten Helfer.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 11, 2019, 12-14.

Martin E.A., Dainese M., Clough Y., Baldi A., Bommarco R., Gagic V., Garratt M.P.D., Holzschuh A., Kleijn D., Kovacs-Hostyanski A., Marini L., Potts S.G., Smith H.G., Al Hassan D., Albrecht M. und weitere
The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe.
Ecology Letters, online, (April), 2019, 1-12.

Bartual A, Sutter L., Bocci G., Moonen A.-C., Cresswell J., Entling M., Giffard B., Jacot-Ammann K., Jeanneret P., Holland J., Pfister S., Pinter O., Veromann E., Winkler K., Albrecht M.
The potential of different semi-natural habitats to sustain pollinators and natural enemies in European agri-cultural landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 279, 2019, 43-52.

Mestre L., Schirmel J., Hetz J., Kolb S., Pfister S.C., Amato M., Sutter L., Jeanneret P., Albrecht M., Entling M.H.
Both woody and herbaceous semi-natural habitats are essential for spider overwintering in European farmland.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 267, 2018, 141-146.

Sutter L., Amato M. , Jeanneret P., Albrecht M.
Overwintering of pollen beetles and their predators in oilseed rape and semi-natural habitats.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 265, 2018, 275-281.

Sutter L., Albrecht M., Jeanneret P.
Promoting multiple ecosystem services through agri-environmental interventions.
In: 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. 13.06.2018, Jyväskylä. 2018.

Rega C., Bartual A. , Bocci G., Sutter L., Albrecht M., Moonen A.-C., Jeanneret P., van der Werf W. , Pfister S.C., Holland J. , Paracchini M.
A pan-European model of landscape potential to support natural pest control services.
Ecological Indicators, 90, 2018, 653-664.

Schirmel J., Albrecht M., Bauer P., Sutter L., Pfister S., Entling M.
Landscape complexity promotes hoverflies across different types of semi-natural habitats in farmland.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, (4), 2018, 1747-1758.

Sutter L., Jeanneret P., Holland J.
QuESSA - Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture: Deliverable D3.2 Report on execution of data collection in case studies.
Hrsg. European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant, Fordingbridge UK. Agreement No 311879, 2017, 13 S.

Sutter L., Jeanneret P.
QuESSA - Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture: Deliverable D3.3 Scientific Analysis and assessment of SNH performance.
Hrsg. European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant, Fordingbridge UK. Agreement No 311879, 2017, 109 S.

Sutter L., Jeanneret P., Kiss J.
QuESSA - Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture: Deliverable D3.5 Report on “on-farm demonstrations” of the ecosystem services.
Hrsg. European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant, Fordingbridge UK. Agreement No 311879, 2017, 24 S.

Sutter L., Herzog F., Dietemann V., Charrière J.-D., Albrecht M.
Bienen erbringen wertvolle Bestäubungsleistungen.
Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 140, (11), 2017, 11-13.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Sutter L., Albrecht M., Jeanneret P.
Landscape greening and local creation of wildflower strips and hedgerows promote multiple ecosystem services.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (11 September), 2017, 1-9.

Pfister S. C., Sutter L., Albrecht M., Marini S., Schirmel J., Entling M. H.
Positive effects of local and landscape features on predatory flies in European agricultural landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 239, 2017, 283-292.

Sutter L., Amato M., Jeanneret P., Albrecht M.
Overwintering arthropod assemblages across and within habitats of a Swiss agricultural landscape.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 122, 2017, 63-67.

Sutter L., Herzog F., Dietemann V., Charrière J.-D., Albrecht M.
Nachfrage, Angebot und Wert der Insektenbestäubung in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 8, (9), 2017, 332-339.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Sutter L., Jeanneret P., Bartual A. M., Bocci G., Albrecht M.
Enhancing plant diversity in agricultural landscapes promotes both rare bees and dominant crop-pollinating bees through complementary increase in key floral resources.
Journal of Applied Ecology, online, (10 April), 2017, 1-9.

Sutter L., Albrecht M.
Synergistic interactions of ecosystem services: florivorous pest control boosts crop yield increase through insect pollination.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283, (1824), 2016, 1-8.

Sanders D., Sutter L., van Veen F. J. F.
The loss of indirect interactions leads to cascading extinctions of carnivores.
Ecology Letters, 16, 2013, 664-669.

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