
Publikationen Juliane Hirte

Hofer S., Herzog F., Hirte J., Mestrot A., Oberholzer S., Kandeler E., Halswimmer H., Jarosch K.
How do trees affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in a 13-years old Swiss agroforestry system?
In: Jahrestagung 2024. 21 March, Hrsg. BGS, SGP, SGPW, Zollikofen. 2024, 1.

Jarosch K., Hirte J., Walder F.
ARTEMIS: Agro-ecological strategies for promoting climate change Mitigation and Adaptation by enhancing soil ecosystem services and sustainable crop production.
In: EJP SOIL Annual Science Days. 12 June, Hrsg. Agroscope, Riga. 2023.

Higgins S., Keesstra S. D., Kadziuliene Z., Jordan-Meille L., Wall D., Trinchera A., Spiegel H., Sanden T., Baumgarten A., Jensen J. L., Hirte J., Liebisch F., Klages S., et al.
Stocktake study of current fertilisation recommendations across Europe and discussion towards a more harmonised approach.
European Journal of Soil Science, 74, (5), 2023.

Hirte J., Liebisch F.
Crop response to soil potassium under diverse pedoclimatic conditions in multiple environments: Implications for fertilization recommendations.
In: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges. 22 June, Rothamsted. 2023, 1-18.

Heinemann H., Hirte J., Seidel F., Don A.
Increasing root biomass derived carbon input to agricultural soils by genotype selection: A review.
Plant and Soil, In Press, 2023.

Steinfurth K., Holton Rubaek G., Hirte J., Buczko U.
Yield response of grass and grass-clover leys in crop rotations to phosphorus fertilization.
In: Grassland at the heart of circular and sustainable food systems. 26-30 June, Hrsg. European Grassland Federation, Caen (France). 2022, 731-733.

Fontana M., Hirte J., Bélanger G., Makowski D., Elfouki S., Sinaj S.
Long‑term K fertilization effects on soil available K, grain yield, and plant K critical value in winter wheat.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 123, 2022, 63-82.

Steinfurth K., Börjesson G., Denoroy P., Eichler-Löbermann B., Gans W., Heyn J., Hirte J., Huyghebaert B., Jouany C., Koch D., Merbach I., Mokry M., Mollier A., Morel C., Panten K. und weitere
Thresholds of target phosphorus fertility classes in European fertilizer recommendations in relation to critical soil test phosphorus values derived from the analysis of 55 European long-term field experiments.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 332, (107926), 2022.

Hirte J., Liebisch F., Heller O., Weisskopf P., Weyermann I., Baumann P., Keller A., Bürge D.
Die Schweizer Bestimmungsmethoden für pflanzenverfügbare Gehalte an Phosphor (P), Kalium (K), Calcium (Ca) und Magnesium (Mg) im Boden. Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Entwicklungspotential.
In: BDU Kolloquium. 13. April, Agridea (online). 2022, 1-20.

Hirte J., Liebisch F., Heller O., Weisskopf P., Weyermann I., Baumann P., Keller A., Bürge D.
Die Schweizer Bestimmungsmethoden für pflanzenverfügbare Gehalte an Phosphor, Kalium, Magnesium und Calcium im Boden.
Agroscope Science, 129, 2022, 1-20.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Hirte J., von Arb C., Stoll S., Frossard E., Stamm C., Prasuhn V.
Reducing legacy soil phosphorus to tolerable levels for surface waters: A case study from Switzerland.
In: ESPP Webinar "Legacy phosphorus". 02.02., BOKU. 2022, 1-6.

Hirte J.
Pedoklimatische Einflüsse auf kritische Phosphorgehalte im Boden - von Klassifikationen hin zu numerischen Modellen für standortangepasste Düngung.
In: Nachhaltigkeitstagung 2022. 27.01., Hrsg. Agroscope, Agroscope. 2022, 1-14.

Hirte J., Seidel F., Heinemann H., Don A.
MaxRoot-C Optimizing roots for sustainable crop production in Europe – pure cultures and cover crops.
In: INVITE Annual meeting 2021. 16.11., online. 2021.

Steinfurth K., Hirte J., Morel C., Buczko U.
Conversion equations between Olsen-P and other methods used to assess plant available soil phosphorus in Europe – A review.
Geoderma, 401, 2021, 1-17.

Fontana M., Bélanger G., Hirte J., Ziadi N., Elfouki S., Bragazza L., Liebisch F., Sinaj S.
Critical plant phosphorus for winter wheat assessed from long-term field experiments.
European Journal of Agronomy, 126, (126263), 2021.

Hirte J., Liebisch F.
Phosphor im Boden - Erkenntnisse aus 30 Jahren Feldforschung.
In: BDU Herbsttagung. 11.11., Agridea (online). 2020.

Hirte J., Walder F., Hess J., Büchi L., Colombi T., van der Heijden M., Mayer J.
Enhanced root carbon allocation through organic farming is restricted to topsoils.
Science of the Total Environment, online, 2020, 1-10.

Hirte J., Richner W., Orth B., Liebisch F., Flisch R.
Yield response to soil test phosphorus in Switzerland: Pedoclimatic drivers of critical concentrations for optimal crop yields using multilevel modelling.
Science of the Total Environment, online, 2020, 1-16.

Cagnarini C., Renella G., Mayer J., Hirte J., Schulin R., Costerousse B., Della Marta A., Orlandini S., Menichetti L.
Multi-objective calibration of RothC using measured carbon stocks and auxiliary data of a long-term experiment in Switzerland.
European Journal of Soil Science, 2019, 1-14.

Hirte J., Leifeld J., Abiven S., Oberholzer H.-R., Mayer J.
Below ground carbon inputs to soil via root biomass and rhizodeposition of field-grown maize and wheat at harvest are independent of net primary productivity.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 265, 2018, 556-566.

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