
Publications Laura Stefan

Stefan L., Fossati D., Camp K.-H., Pellet D., Foiada F., Levy Häner L.
Asynchrony is more important than genetic distance in driving yield stability in wheat variety mixtures.
Crop Science, In Press, 2023, 1-25.

Schöb C., Engbersen N., Lopez-Angulo J., Schmutz A., Stefan L.
Crop diversity experiment: towards a mechanistic understanding of the benefits of species diversity in annual crop systems.
Journal of Plant Ecology, 2023, 1-32.

Levy Häner L., Strebel S., Herrera J. M., Burton A., Vuille-dit-Bille N., Stefan L., Pellet D.
Mögliche Auswirkungen der Absenkpfade auf den Ertrag und die Qualität von Schweizer Weizen.
Getreide, Mehl und Brot, 1, 2023, 20-22.

López-Angulo L., Stefan L., Engbersen N., Schöb C.
Ecological and evolutionary effects of crop diversity decrease yield variability.
Journal of Ecology, In Press, 2023, 1-12.

Levy Häner L., Strebel S., Stefan L., Burton A., Herrera J. M., Vuille-dit-Bille N., Schaad N., Pellet D.
Répercussions possibles de la trajectoire de réduction sur le rendement et la qualité du blé Suisse.
Dans: Journée de la qualité 2022. 22 novembre, Ed. Swiss granum, Bern. 2022.
autres langues: allemand

Stefan L., Engbersen N., Schöb C.
Rapid transgenerational adaptation in response to intercropping reduces competition.
ELife, 13, (11), 2022, 1-53.

Stefan L.
Rapid transgenerational adaptation in response to intercropping benefits yield.
Dans: World Biodiversity Forum. 29. juin, Davos. 2022.

Engbersen N., Stefan L., Brooker R. , Schöb C.
Temporal dynamics of biodiversity effects and light-use-related traits in two intercropping systems.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 1, (1), 2022, 54-65.

Stefan L., Engbersen N. , Schöb C.
Using spatially-explicit plant competition models to optimise crop productivity in intercropped systems.
Basic and Applied Ecology, (63), 2022, 1-15.

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