
A. M. Maisano , M. Luini , A. Gazzola , L. Sala , F. Vezzoli, L. Bertocchi , V. Lorenzi , P. Cremonesi , B. Castiglioni , S. Bergagna , A. Romano , E. Scaltriti, L. Bolzoni , I. Ivanovic , Romanò A., Graber H. U.

Staphylococcus aureus adlb gene is associated with high intramammary infection prevalence in dairy herds of Northern Italy: A cross-sectional study.

Journal of Dairy Science, 106, (5), 2023, 3421-3435.

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ISSN Print 0022-0302
ISSN en ligne: 1525-3198
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
ID publication (Code web): 51530 Envoyer par e-mail

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