ALP aktuell is published in German and French. It intends to forward research results directly to farmers, butchers, cheesemakers and other persons involved in production and processing of agricultural products from animal origin.
ALP forum focuses on practical issues. A particular subject is explored in detail using language appropriate to the target audience. The forum is primarily aimed at cheese makers (discussion groups), beekeepers, butchers, and producers of foodstuffs of animal origin.
ALP science richtet sich an ein technisch-wissenschaftliches Publikum. Ein spezielles Thema wird vertieft behandelt. Angesprochen werden Spezialisten aus der Milch- und Fleischindustrie, Bienenforschung, Futtermittelindustrie und der Nutztierforschung und Forschung Lebensmittel tierischer Herkunft.
ART reports offer current research reports and studies in the form of practical short versions for practice, consultancy services and the public. The ART machine costs calculation and the ART reports on farmers’ and agricultural workers’ earnings are also part of the annual issue of this publication series.
The researchers at ACW are experts in their respective fields and their publications cover a large array of questions focused on agricultural actual issues. Some of these articles are available as separate prints which you can download or order.
The results of the former tractor tests made in Tänikon are available at