
LegacyNet: introducing an international multi-site experiment investigating potential benefits of increasing the species diversity of grassland leys within crop rotations.

O'Malley J., Finn J. A., Malisch C. S., Adler P. R., Bezemer M., Black A., Ergon A., Eriksen J., Filley S., Fiorini A., Golinski P., Grange G., Hakl J., He Y., Hockstra N., Högy P., Huguenin-Elie O., Ibanez M., Jiaxin R., Jing J., Jungers J., Kadžiulienė Z., Krol D., Lajeunesse J., Louarn G., Meyer S., Moloney T., Peratoner G., Porqueddu C., Reynolds C., Sturite I., Thivierge M. N., Zhu F., Brophy C.

LegacyNet: introducing an international multi-site experiment investigating potential benefits of increasing the species diversity of grassland leys within crop rotations.

Grassland Science in Europe, 28, 2023, 249-251.

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Link: Grassland Science in Europe Vol. 28

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