Which option for regulating plants derived from new genomic techniques in European Union law is feasible and justifiable scientifically? The European Commission has proposed a new regulation on plants obtained by specific new genomic techniques, which is now subject to discussion in the legislative process. From the perspective of the European Commission’s envisaged legal reforms of European Union law towards the integration of greater sustainability, we conclude that the option focusing on plant traits delivering sustainability benefits should be chosen, which is most fitting to facilitate a contribution to climate action, the transition towards climate neutrality, and promptly integrate sustainability into all food-related policies. To assist the decision-making in the legislative process, we outline six regulatory options resulting from regulatory research involving interdisciplinary teams.
Purnhagen K., Ambrogio Y., Bartsch D., Eriksson D., Jorasch P., Kahrmann J., Kardung M., Molitorisova A., Monaco A., Nanda A.K., Romeis J., Rostoks N., Unkel K., Schneider X.T.
Options for regulating new genomic techniques for plants in the European Union.
Nature Plants, 9, 2023, 1958-1961.
ISSN Print: 2055-026X
ISSN Online: 2055-0278
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-023-01570-2
ID pubblicazione (Codice web): 55034 Inviare via e-mail
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