In conclusion, the grilled beef burger had the highest in vitro DIAAS value (Leu 124 and the grilled soy protein based burger reached in vitro DIAAS values that could be rated as good (SAA 94 according to FAO The texturizing process did not significantly affect the total protein digestibility of the ingredients However, grilling led to a decrease in digestibility and DIAAR of the pea faba burger ( 0 05 which was not observed in the soy burger, and even led to an increase in DIAAR in the beef burger ( 0 005 Furthermore, our results confirm the different effects of cooking is depending on the protein source International Symposium for Dietary Protein for Human Health | Utrecht 2023 Context Plant based meat alternatives of high protein quality and digestibility could be a way to reduce meat consumption and, consequently, the environmental impact However, little is known about their nutritional characteristics and digestion behavior Objective The aim of the present work was to evaluate t he protein quality of highly transformed veggie burgers, based on soy or pea faba proteins, in comparison to a beef burger The impact of texturizing and grilling on the in vitro protein digestibility and the digestible indispensable amino acid ratio ( of the ingredients and the finished products was also evaluated Experimental procedures • Two highly transformed veggie burgers were digested according to the INFOGEST in vitro protocol 1 • Total protein digestibility, digestibility of individual amino acids, and in vitro DIAAS were determined and calculated according to the in vitro digestibility protocol 2
Marques de Sousa A. R., Portmann R., Dubois S., Recio I., Egger C.
Digestibility of meat analogues and the influence of processing: In vitro digestibility.
In: Symposium on Dietary Protein for Human Health. 14 October, Utrecht. 2023, 1.
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