Consumers are not only looking for sustainable and healthy products, but also less processed ones. However, plant-based cheese alternatives are at present highly processed and lacking in nutritional and sensory properties. One innovative process to meet these requirements is to produce a hybrid product using minimally processed lupin seeds. By adding different concentrations of milled lupin into the traditional cheese making process, we developed a hybrid product that reduces the amount of animal protein, maintains nutritional value and is sensorially appealing without the need for highly processed raw materials or the additives required for plant-based alternatives.
Purtschert G., Von Ah U., Walther B., Guggenbühl B., Zwyssig E., Guggisberg D., Fuchsmann P., Bachmann H.-P., Stoffers H.
HybPi-Cheese: hybrid technology to decrease animal protein maintaining nutritional and sensory properties.
In: LAB Symposium 2023. 27. August, Holland (NL). 2023.
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