
Feeding germ-free pregnant mice with a fermented dairy product activating the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor increases postnatal intestinal group 3 innate lymphoid cells in pups.

Pimentel G., Roder T., Bär C., Sattari Z, Von Ah U., Fernandez Trigo N, Bruggmann R, Macpherson AJ, Ganal-Vonarburg SC, Vergères G.

Feeding germ-free pregnant mice with a fermented dairy product activating the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor increases postnatal intestinal group 3 innate lymphoid cells in pups.

In: Online NuGO week 2021 – 17th edition. Immuno-nutrigenomics: How to feed the immune system. 06.09., Ed. NuGO. 2021, 1-17.

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