
Pubblicazioni Didier Pellet

Wuyts N., Baux A., Bragazza L., Calanca P., Chalhoub P. B., Dupuis B., Herrera J. M., Hiltbrunner J., Levy Häner L., Pellet D., Toschini T., Carlen C.
Klimaresilienter Ackerbau 2035.
Agroscope Science, 177, 2023, 1-197.

Stefan L., Fossati D., Camp K.-H., Pellet D., Foiada F., Levy Häner L.
Asynchrony is more important than genetic distance in driving yield stability in wheat variety mixtures.
Crop Science, In Press, 2023, 1-25.

Levy Häner L., Strebel S., Herrera J. M., Burton A., Vuille-dit-Bille N., Stefan L., Pellet D.
Mögliche Auswirkungen der Absenkpfade auf den Ertrag und die Qualität von Schweizer Weizen.
Getreide, Mehl und Brot, 1, 2023, 20-22.

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Visse-Mansiaux M., Pellet D.
Enviromics for wheat VCU testing in Switzerland: Some ideas and some attempts.
In: Twelve Working Seminar on "Statistical Methods in Variety Testing". 4. July, Słupia Wielka (Pologne). 2022, 1-4.

Levy Häner L., Strebel S., Stefan L., Burton A., Herrera J. M., Vuille-dit-Bille N., Schaad N., Pellet D.
Mögliche Auswirkungen der Absenkpfade auf den Ertrag und die Qualität von Schweizer Weizen.
In: Journée de la qualité 2022. 22. November, Ed. Swiss granum, Bern. 2022.
altre lingue: francese

Treier S., Roth L., Herrera J. M., Hund A., Aasen H., Pellet D., Walter A.
Enhancing canopy temperature measurement precision with an uncalibrated thermal drone camera.
In: XVIIIth Eucarpia Biometrics in Plant Breeding Conference. 21. September, Paris Saclay - Eucarpia. 2022.

Schumpp O., Bréchon A., Brodard J., Dupuis B., Farinelli L., Frei P., Otten P., Pellet D.
Large-Scale RT-qPCR diagnostics for seed potato certification.
Potato Research, 64, 2021, 553-569.

Visse-Mansiaux M., Treier S., Dupuis B., Pellet D., Herrera J. M.
European projects at Agroscope – invite & innovar.
In: Visite des étudiants du HAFL. 08.06., Agroscope Changins, Suisse. 2021, 1.

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Mascher-Frutschi F., Hiltbrunner J., Fossati D., Brabant C., Charles R., Pellet D.
Lessons from 20 years of studies of wheat genotypes in multiple environments and under contrasting production systems.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, (January), 2020, 1-13.

Herrera J. M., Noulas C., Stamp P., Levy Häner L., Pellet D., Qin R.
Nitrogen rate increase not required for no-till wheat in cool and humid conditions.
Agronomy, 10, (3), 2020, 1-17.

Levy Häner L., Bernet R., Hiltbrunner J., Brabant C., Pellet D., Courvoisier N., Foiada F., Matasci C., Barendregt Ch., Camp K.H.
Winterroggen 2018.
Agroscope Transfer, 262, 2018, 1-27.
altre lingue: francese

Courvoisier N., Levy Häner L., Bernet R., Hiltbrunner J., Brabant C., Pellet D., Foiada F., Matasci C., Barendregt C., Camp K.H.
Wintergerste 2018.
Agroscope Transfer, 261, 2018, 1-67.
altre lingue: francese

Levy Häner L., Courvoisier N., Pellet D.
Etude variétale du blé d'automne.
In: Visite des étudiants de l'EPFZ. 21 juin, Ed. Agroscope, Changins. 2018.

Levy Häner L., Courvoisier N., Pellet D.
Winterweizen Sortenprüfung.
In: Visite des étudiants du HAFL. 05. Juni, Ed. Agroscope, Changins. 2018.

Levy Häner L., Courvoisier N., Pellet D.
Etude variétale du blé d'automne.
In: Journée Pully - présentation de la panification en grand. 09 mars, Richemont Pully. 2018, 1.

Herrera J., Pellet D.
Alternatives for Herbicide Reduction with Examples on Oilseed Rape and Sugar Beet.
In: XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress. 30 August, Ed. ESA, Geneva. 2018, 41.

Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Holzkaemper A., Pellet D.
Evaluation of ridge regression for country-wide prediction of genotype-specific grain yields of wheat.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 252, 2018, 1-9.

Sinaj S., Charles R., Baux A., Dupuis B., Hiltbrunner J., Levy Häner L., Pellet D., Blanchet G., Jeangros B.
8/ Concimazione delle colture erbacee da pieno campo: Principi di concimazione delle colture agricole in Svizerra (PRIC).
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 8, (6), 2017, Pubblicazione speciale, 1-45.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Pellet D., Levy L., Courvoisier N., Baux A., Schwaerzel R., Herrera J. M., Dupuis B., Hiltbrunner J., Charles R.
Les grandes cultures fourragères ou alimentaires: concurrence ou complémentarité?
Bulletin SGPW-SSA, 29, 2017, 5.

Herrera J. M., Büchi L., Rubio G., Torres-Guerrero C., Wendling M., Stamp P., Pellet D.
Root decomposition at high and low N supply throughout a crop rotation.
European Journal of Agronomy, 84, 2017, 105-112.

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