
Pubblicazioni Volker Prasuhn

Prasuhn V., Hutchings C., Gilgen A., Blaser S.
Der Agrarumweltindikator Erosionsrisiko, kulturspezifische C-Faktoren sowie eine Karte des aktuellen Erosionsrisikos der Schweiz.
Agroscope Science, 158, 2023, 1-75.

Hutchings C., Spiess E., Prasuhn V.
Abschätzung diffuser Stickstoff- und Phosphoreinträge in die Gewässer der Schweiz mit MODIFFUS 3.1, Stand 2020.
Agroscope Science, 155, 2023, 1-161.

Fabian Y., Roberti G., Jacot-Ammann K., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Walter T., Herzog F.
Ripensare l’utilizzo delle superfici coltive periodicamente inondate: Sintesi del progetto «superfici (coltive) umide».
Agroscope Science, 145, 2022, 1-18.

Roberti G., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Jacot-Ammann K., Herzog F., Fabian Y.
Aiuto decisionale per le superfici coltive umide e inondate: Supporto per identificare le superfici per cui occorre considerare alternative al drenaggio.
Agroscope Transfer, 449, 2022, 1-64.
altre lingue: tedesco | francese

Spiess E., Humphrys C., Liebisch F., Prasuhn V., Neuweiler R.
Nitratauswaschung unter Gemüse bei unterschiedlichem Ernterückstandsmanagement.
Agroscope Science, 142, 2022, 1-26.

Lehmann D., Chervet A., Liniger H.P:, Prasuhn V., Ifejika Speranza C., Sturny W.
Soil moisture suction in no-till and tilled soils: analyzing long-term tensiometer measurements in the Swiss Central Plateau.
In: 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (WCCA). 2022, 153-164.

Prasuhn V., Liebisch F.
Conservation tillage reduced soil erosion significantly: Results from a long-term monitoring study in Switzerland.
In: 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (WCCA). 2022, 286-291.

Bircher P., Liniger H. P., Prasuhn V.
Comparison of long-term field-measured and RUSLE-based modelled soil loss in Switzerland.
Geoderma regional, 31, 2022, 1-13.

Fabian Y., Roberti G., Jacot-Ammann K., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Walter T., Herzog F.
Die Nutzung von vernässenden Ackerflächen neu denken: Synthese des Projektes «Feucht(Acker)Flächen».
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 13, 2022, 198-209.
altre lingue: francese

Turek M. E., Prasuhn V., Holzkaemper A.
Agro-hydrological modeling of soil water retention measures to increase crop system resilience to extreme events.
In: EGU General Assembly 2022. 23 May, Ed. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna (AT). 2022.

Lehmann D., Chervet A., Liniger H., Prasuhn V., Ifejika Speranza C., Sturny W.
Soil moisture suction in no-till and tilled soils: analyzing long-term tensiometer measurements in the Swiss Central Plateau.
In: PROCEEDINGS 8WCCA. 2022, 84-84.

Prasuhn V., Liebisch F.
Conservation tillage reduced soil erosion significantly - results from a long-term monitoring study in Switzerland.
In: PROCEEDINGS 8WCCA. 2022, 120-120.

Seitz S., Scholten T., Prasuhn V.
Benefits of soil conservation for soil erosion control.
In: PROCEEDINGS 8WCCA. 2022, 117-117.

Prasuhn V., Hofer P., Liniger H.P.
24 Jahre Erosionsmonitoring in der Region Frienisberg.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 13, 2022, 86-95.

Prasuhn V., Koch U.
PSM-Ressourcenprojekt Leimental (BL), Wissenschaftliche Begleitgruppe, Teilprojekt 5: Übertragbarkeit.
Agroscope Science, 137, 2022, 1-31.

Prasuhn V.
Schweizer Bauer, Dossier, (26.2.), 2022, 15-17.

Saljnikov E., Mirschel W. , Prasuhn V., Keller T., Blum W., Chumbaev A., Zhang J., Abuduwaili J., Eulenstein F., Lavrishchev A., Schindler U. , Mueller L.
Types of Physical Soil Degradation and Implications for their Prevention and Monitoring.
In: Advances in Understanding Soil Degradation. Springer. 2022, 43-73.

Hirte J., von Arb C., Stoll S., Frossard E., Stamm C., Prasuhn V.
Reducing legacy soil phosphorus to tolerable levels for surface waters: A case study from Switzerland.
In: ESPP Webinar "Legacy phosphorus". 02.02., BOKU. 2022, 1-6.

Bircher P., Liniger H., Kupferschmied P., Prasuhn V.
Tools for USLE-CP-factor calculation and actual erosion risk on field block level for Switzerland.
MethodsX, 8, 2021, 1-14.

Prasuhn V.
Experience with the assessment of the USLE cover-management factor for arable land compared with long-term measured soil loss in the Swiss Plateau.
Soil & Tillage Research, 215, 2021, 1-12.

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