This study aimed to investigate the effects of different positions of flexible neck straps as guiding elements in cubicles on rising and lying down behaviours of dairy cows and lying cubicle hygiene. Three heights above the lying surface (105, 120 and 135 cm) and two horizontal distances from the curb (155 and 170 cm) were analysed in relation to cow body size in two separate experiments. The results indicated that rising and lying down behaviours were not considerably affected by neck strap positioning, suggesting that flexible neck straps minimise the hindrance to cow movement. However, a higher neck strap position lowered the probability of crawling backwards during rising. On the other hand, higher neck strap height was associated with increased bedding contamination, likely because cows could stand and lie further forward in the cubicle. In conclusion, flexible neck straps appear to be an effective guiding element to ensure cubicle hygiene without severely hindering cows during rising and lying down.