
Allele frequencies of genetic variants associated with varroa drone brood resistance (DBR) in Apis mellifera subspecies across the European continent.

Lefebre R., De Smet L., Tehel A., Paxton R. J., Bossuyt E., Verbeke W., van Dooremalen C., Ulgezen Z. N., van den Bosch T., Schaafsma F., Valkenburg D.-J., Dall'Olio R., Alaux C., Dezmirean D. S., Beaurepaire A.

Allele frequencies of genetic variants associated with varroa drone brood resistance (DBR) in Apis mellifera subspecies across the European continent.

Insects, 15, (419), 2024, 1-18.


ISSN Online: 2075-4450
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Publication-ID (Web Code): 56475 Sending by e-mail

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