
Publication List

Publication List

Publications Pierluigi Calanca

Holzkaemper A., Calanca P.
Auswirkungen der Trockenjahre 1947, 2003 und 2018 auf die Landwirtschaft.
In: Hitze- und Trockensommer in der Schweiz. Publ. Geographica Bernensia, Bern. 2022, 16-17.

Hänchen L., Klein C., Maussion F., Gurgiser W., Calanca P., Wohlfahrt G.
Widespread greening suggests increased dry-season plant water availability in the Rio Santa valley, Peruvian Andes.
Earth System Dynamics, 13, 2022, 595-611.

Hiltbrunner J., Calanca P., Huber T., Pignon P., Girard M., Morel I.
Liste der empfohlenen Maissorten für die Ernte 2022.
Agroscope Transfer, 426, 2022.
other Languages: french

Grünig, M., Razavi, E., Calanca P., Mazzi D., Wegner, J.D., Pellissier, L.
Applying deep neural networks to predict incidence and phenology of plant pests and diseases.
Ecosphere, 12, (10), 2021, e03791.

Huguenin-Elie O., Mariotte P., Perotti E., Calanca P., Probo M.
Obs’Herbe : résultats généraux des mesures de rendement et valeur nutritive.
In: Journée herbagère ADCF-AGRIDEA. 21.04., Online - ADCF/AGRIDEA. 2021, 1-13.

Eisenring S., Holzkaemper A., Calanca P.
Berechnung der Bewässerungsbedürfnisse unter aktuellen und zukünftigen Bedingungen in der Schweiz.
Agroscope Science, 107, 2021.

Huguenin-Elie O., Mariotte P., Perotti E., Calanca P., Probo M.
Projet Obs'herbe: résultats généraux des mesures de rendement et valeur nutritive.
In: Journée herbagère. 21 avril, Publ. ADCF-Agridea, Lausanne. 2021, 1-13.

Petersen K., Kraus D., Calanca P., Semenov M.A., Butterbach-Bahl K., Kiese R.
Dynamic simulation of management events for assessing impacts of climate change on pre-alpine grassland productivity.
European Journal of Agronomy, 128, (126306), 2021.

Moulin T., Calanca P.
Modélisation de la réponse des prairies permanentes aux changements climatiques.
Fourrages, 246, 2021, 11-20.

Mayerhofer J., Wächter D., Calanca P., Kohli L., Roth T., Meuli R. G., Widmer F.
Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors Shape Major Bacterial Community Types Across the Complex Mountain Landscape of Switzerland.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, (11 March), 2021, 1-17.

Mariotte P., Perotti E., Huguenin-Elie O., Calanca P., Frund D., Probo M.
Relationship between the sum of temperatures and forage yield and quality of the first growth cycle in intensively managed Swiss permanent grasslands.
In: Futtermittel und Mehrwert für Tier und Mensch. 11 mai, Publ. Zurich - ETHZ. 2021.

Calanca P., Stöckli S.
Wärmeres Klima begünstigt invasive Schadinsekten.
2021, 2 pp.

Hiltbrunner J., Buchmann U., Calanca P., Huber T., Pignon P., Girard M., Morel I.
Liste der empfohlenen Maissorten für die Ernte 2021.
Agroscope Transfer, 379, 2021.
other Languages: french

Buzzi F., Hiltbrunner J., Holzkaemper A., Calanca P.
Temperatursummen-Karten für die Sortenwahl im Maisanbau.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 12, 2021, 1-8.

Moulin T., Perasso A., Calanca P., Gillet F.
DynaGraM: A process-based model to simulate multi-species plant community dynamics in managed grasslands.
Ecological Modelling, 439, (1 January), 2021, 1-14.

Templ B., Calanca P.
Critical increase in the occurrence of heat stress during reproductive growth in Russian wheat beyond 1.5 C global warming.
Weather and Climate Extremes, 30, (December), 2020, 1-10.

Grünig M., Calanca P., Mazzi D.
Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Verbreitung von Schadinsekten.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 156, (16), 2020, 9-12.

Grünig M., Calanca P., Mazzi D., Pellissier L.
Inflection point in climatic suitability of insect pest species in Europe suggests non-linear responses to climate change.
Global Change Biology, 26, (11), 2020, 6338-6349.

Pavlova V. N., Calanca P., Karachenkova A. A.
Grain Crops Productivity in the European Part of Russia under Recent Climate Change.
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 45, 2020, 209-302.

Grünig M., Mazzi D., Calanca P., Karger D.N., Pellissier L.
Crop and forest pest metawebs shift towards increased linkage and suitability overlap under climate change.
Communications Biology, 3, (233), 2020, 1-10.

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