
Divergent agricultural development pathways across farm and landscape scales in Europe: Implications for sustainability and farmer satisfaction.

Helfenstein J., Hepner S., Kreuzer A., Achermann G., Williams T., Bürgi M., Debonne N., Dimopoulos T., Diogo V., Fjellstad W., Garcia-Martin M., Hernik J., Kizos T., Lausch A., Levers C., Liira J., Mohr F., Moreno G., Pazur R., Salata T., Schüpbach B., Swart R., Verburg P. H., Zarina A., Herzog F.

Divergent agricultural development pathways across farm and landscape scales in Europe: Implications for sustainability and farmer satisfaction.

Global Environmental Change - Human and Policy Dimensions, 86, 2024, 1-13.

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ISSN Print: 0959-3780
ISSN Online: 1872-9495
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