Tanneberger F., Larmola T., Sirin A., Arias-Navarro C., Farrell C., Glatzel S., Kozulin A., Laerke P.-E., Leifeld J., Mäkipää R., Minayeva T., Moen A., Oskarsson H., Pakalne M., Sendžikaitė J.
Regional assessment for Europe.
In: Global Peatlands Assessment: The State of the World’s Peatlands. Publ. UNEP und Global Peatlands Initiative, Nairobi (Kenya). 2022, 123-153.
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Download english: Global Peatlands Assessment: The State of the World’s Peatlands (PDF, 14348 kB)
ISBN: 978-92-807-3991-6
Publication-ID (Web Code): 51809 Sending by e-mail
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