For a pilot study on germplasm collections, leaves were collected from six apple trees (Malus domestica) numbered Q9, Q27, Q35, Q37, Q39 and Q41 in a Belgian experimental orchard (CRA-W) in June 2019 and June 2020. At the time of sampling and during subsequent visits, no viral symptoms were observed on the trees. However, Apple luteovirus 1 (ALV-1) has been identified in trees with Rapid apple decline, Apple rubodvirus 1 (ARWV-1) is associated with apple rubbery wood disease, and Apple hammerhead viroid (AHVd) infection presents variable symptoms including swelling or limb flattening.
Fontdevila Pareta N., Lateur M., Steyer S., Blouin A., Massart S.
First report of apple rubodvirus 1, apple luteovirus 1, and apple hammerhead viroid infection of apples in Belgium.
New Disease Reports, 45, (2), 2022, 1-2.
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