Although more nitrogen (N) is leached under field vegetable cultivation than under arable and grassland, it is unknown which vegetable crops contribute particularly strongly to nitrate leaching. For this reason, an attempt was made to classify the leaching potential of 40 vegetable species based on literature values for the N fertiliser requirement, the N quantities in the crop residues and the rooting depth. While cabbage species showed a high potential, the risk of leaching was considered low for most leafy vegetable species. Leaching could be reduced in particular by controlling irrigation as well as by a more precise determination of the N fertiliser requirement, an increased integration of catch crops in the rotation and an optimised crop-residue management. In terms of farming practices, there is a considerable need for research, particularly when it comes to fertiliser use and tillage.
Zemek O., Neuweiler R., Richner W., Liebisch F., Spiess E.
Estimating and Reducing Nitrate Leaching in Vegetable Production.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 11, 2020, 76-81.
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ISSN Print: 1663-7852
ISSN Online: 1663-7909
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