Research Group
- Soil Quality and Soil Use
Dr. sc. ETH Zürich
Soil quality and soil management
Soil structure quality indicators and their limit values
Optimal organic carbon values for soil structure quality of arable soils. Does clay content matter?
To what extent do physical measurements match with visual evaluation of soil structure?
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8046 Zürich
Phone +41 58 46 71789
Soil quality, soil structure, soil physics, soil organic carbon
Sepcialized in agricultural soil quality, in particular soil structure quality. My research activities encompass: (i) development of reference values for soil physical protection (STRUDEL project), (ii) scientific guidance for soil structure quality in the Ressource project Terres Vivantes, (iii) rehabilitation of compacted subsoils (ROCSUB project), (iv) soil physical characterisation via shrinkage curve analysis, (v) use of visual methods for the evaluation of soil structure quality (spade test methods such as BodenDok/SolDoc or VESS) and (vi) soil organic matter (or soil organic carbon) management for improving soil quality and carbon storage in the frame of climate change mitigation.