Grovermann C., Weiner M., Levy Häner L., Locher M., Herrera J. M., Winter E.
Three decades of organic wheat improvement: Assessing the impact and returns on investment.
Q Open, 2, (1), 2022, 1-14.
Bucheli J., Visse-Mansiaux M., Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Tack J., Finger R.
Precipitation causes quality losses of economic relevance in wheat production.
In: 96th Annual Conference. 4.-6. April, Hrsg. Agricultural Economics Society, Leuven, Belgium. 2022, 1-19.
Treier S., Roth L., Herrera J. M., Hund A., Aasen H., Pellet D., Walter A.
Enhancing canopy temperature measurement precision with an uncalibrated thermal drone camera.
In: XVIIIth Eucarpia Biometrics in Plant Breeding Conference. 21. September, Paris Saclay - Eucarpia. 2022.
Visse-Mansiaux M., Soyeurt H., Herrera J. M., Torche J.-M., Vanderschuren H., Dupuis B.
Prediction of potato sprouting during storage.
Field Crops Research, 278, 2022, 1-10.
Casali L., Herrera J. M., Rubio G.
Modeling maize and soybean responses to climatic change and soil degradation in a region of South America.
Agronomy Journal, 113, (2), 2021, 1381-1393.
Visse-Mansiaux M., Treier S., Dupuis B., Pellet D., Herrera J. M.
European projects at Agroscope – invite & innovar.
In: Visite des étudiants du HAFL. 08.06., Agroscope Changins, Suisse. 2021, 1.
Bousselin X., Cassagne N., Baux A., Valantin-Morison M., Herrera J. M., Lorin M., Hédan M., Fustec J.
Interactions between plants and plant-soil in functionally complex mixtures including grass pea, faba bean and niger, intercropped with oilseed rape.
Agronomy, 11, (8), 2021, 1-18.
Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Mascher-Frutschi F., Hiltbrunner J., Fossati D., Brabant C., Charles R., Pellet D.
Lessons from 20 years of studies of wheat genotypes in multiple environments and under contrasting production systems.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, (January), 2020, 1-13.
Herrera J. M., Noulas C., Stamp P., Levy Häner L., Pellet D., Qin R.
Nitrogen rate increase not required for no-till wheat in cool and humid conditions.
Agronomy, 10, (3), 2020, 1-17.
Lüder Hausherr R.-M., Qin R., Richner W., Stamp P., Streit B., Herrera J. M., Noulas C.
Small-scale variation in Nitrogen use efficiency parameters in winter wheat as affected by N fertilization and tillage intensity.
Sustainability, 12, (9), 2020, 1-21.
Levy Häner L., Schaad N., Michaud L., Herrera J. M.
Quinoa und Amaranth, neue Arten für die Schweizer Landwirtschaft?
In: Besuch vom Labor Spiez BABS. 16. August, Hrsg. Agrsocope, Changins. 2019, 1.
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Effect of species identity and diversity on biomass production and its stability in cover crop mixtures.
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Alternatives for Herbicide Reduction with Examples on Oilseed Rape and Sugar Beet.
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Casali L., Rubio G., Herrera J.
Drought and temperature limit differently tropical and temperate maize hybrids differently in a subtropical region.
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Herrera J. M., Levy Häner L., Holzkaemper A., Pellet D.
Evaluation of ridge regression for country-wide prediction of genotype-specific grain yields of wheat.
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Gfeller A., Herrera J. M., Tschuy F., Wirth J.
Explanations for Amaranthus retroflexus growth suppression by cover crops.
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Herrera J. M., Büchi L., Rubio G., Torres-Guerrero C., Wendling M., Stamp P., Pellet D.
Root decomposition at high and low N supply throughout a crop rotation.
European Journal of Agronomy, 84, 2017, 105-112.
Levy Häner L., Courvoisier N., Herrera J. M., Brabant C., Pellet D.
Potenzieller Proteingehalt von Winterweizensorten.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 7, (9), 2016, 364-371.
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