As one of the most important agricultural producer and distributor organizations in Switzerland, IP-SUISSE launched a new program with the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its farms by 10%. All farmers producing under the IP-SUISSE label must achieve a certain number of climate points, which they do by implementing climate protection measures. Agroscope, the Swiss center of excellence for agricultural research, developed the point system together with IP-SUISSE. Using life cycle assessment methodology, we calculated the emission saving potential of each climate protection measure on model farms. From that, we derived the theoretical greenhouse gas savings of each measure and the extent to which each measure must be implemented to achieve one climate point. The prerequisite was that measures should not impede production and should be applicable on the farms as they are. The potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of model farms with most of these measures was rather small and mostly less than 1%; only covering the manure store and increasing the number of lactations led to greenhouse gas savings of 3-3.6%. However, we expect that many small measures with low reduction potential will add up if used widely on farms. In 2021, we will collect data on the climate protection measures implemented on all IP-SUISSE farms for the first time. Their evaluation will show whether the point system needs to be adjusted in order to achieve the desired result. From 2022 onwards, the point system will be compulsory for all label farms.