Bertrand S., Azzollini A., Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Schrenzel J. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender JL
Multi-well fungal co-culture for de novo metabolite-induction in time series studies based on untargeted metabolomics.
Molecular BioSystems, 2014.
Bertrand S., Bohni N., Schnee S., Schumpp O., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Metabolite induction via microorganism co-culture: A potential way to enhance chemical diversity for drug discovery.
Biotechnology Advances, 2014, 1-25.
Dupuis B., Balmelli C., Buchwalder A., Schumpp O.
Recent evolution of the Potato Virus Y (PVY) populations in Swiss seed potato production.
Dans: EAPR pathology section meeting. 20.11., Ed. Volcani Center, Jerusalem. 2013, 1-1.
Debonneville Ch. , Reynard J.-S., Schumpp O., Schaerer S.
Développement éclair de nouveaux outils de diagnostic pour l'agronomie.
Recherche agronomique en Suisse, 4, (10), 2013, 444-447.
autres langues:
Azzollini A. , Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
UHPLC-MS-based metabolomics reveals induction of new metabolites in fungal co-culture: a way to obtain new antimicrobial compounds? .
Dans: 13.05., Ed. ETHZ, Zurich. 2013, 1-10.
Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Metabolomic study of the metabolites induction dynamics during fungal co-culture .
Dans: 7 JS RFMF . 12.06., Ed. Comité 7 JS RFMF , Amiens, France. 2013, 1-10.
Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
De Novo Production of Metabolites by Fungal Co-culture of Trichophyton rubrum and Bionectria ochroleuca.
Journal of Natural Products, 76, (6), 2013, 1157-1165.
Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N. , Bujard A. , Azzollini A. , Monod M. , Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Detection of metabolite induction in fungal co-cultures on solid media by high-throughput differential ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry fingerprinting.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1292, 2013, 219-228.
Schumpp O., Berger V., Remolif E., Messerli B., Frei P., Monod M. , Wolfender J.-L. , Gindro K.
Nouvelles propriétés antifongiques de plantes exposées aux UV.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 10, (3), 2012, 464-469.
Azzollini A., Bertrand S. , Schumpp O., Bohni N., Monod M., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
MS-Based metabolomics strategy for the screening of new induced metabolites in miniaturized fungal co-cultures.
Dans: Fall meeting Société Suisse de Chimie. 15.09.2012, Ed. Fall meeting Société Suisse de Chimie, Lausanne. 2012, 1-1.
Schumpp O., Bruderhofer N., Monod M., Wolfender J.-L., Gindro K.
Ultraviolet induction of antifungal activity in plants.
Mycoses, 2012.
Schumpp O., Bruderhofer N., Gindro K., Wolfender J-L.
Non-host interactions to detect anti-Fusarium substances.
Dans: . 2011, 1447.
Bertrand S., Schumpp O., Bohni N., Monad M., Gindro K., Wolfender J.-L.
Fungal co-culture as a new source of antifungal metabolites.
Planta, 77, 2011, 812-1234.
Schumpp O., Deakin W. J.
How inefficient rhizobia prolong their existence within nodules.
Trends in Plant Science, 15, (4), 2010, 189-195.
Schürch S., Gindro K., Schumpp O., Monod M. , Verrier J. , Bohni N. , Wolfender J.-L.
Guerre chimique entre champignons: un arsenal de molécules bioactives.
Recherche agronomique en Suisse, 1, (11-12), 2010, 442-445.
autres langues:
Schumpp O., Crevecoeur M. , Broughton W. J. , Deakin W. J.
Delayed maturation of nodules reduces symbiotic effectiveness of the Lotus japonicus-Rhizobium sp. NGR234 interaction.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 71, (1), 2009, 92-106.
Kambara K. , Ardissone S. , Kobayashi H. , Saad M. M. , Schumpp O., Broughton W. J. , Deakin W. J.
Rhizobia utilize pathogen-like effector proteins during symbiosis.
Molecular Microbiology, 71, (1), 2009, 92-106.
Schumpp O., Ramel M. E. , Gugerli P. , Broughton W. J. , Deakin W. J.
Identification of a Lotus viral pathogen.
Journal of Plant Research, 120, (5), 2007, 651-654.
Schumpp O., Gherbi H. , Escoute J. , Payre H. , Drevon J. J.
In situ hybridization of a radioactive RNA probe on resin-embedded legume root-nodule sections: a tool for observing gene expression in the rhizosphere?
Agronomie, 23, (5-6), 2003, 494-498.