Publications Joël Bérard

Schneider M. K., Zehnder T., Bérard J., Pauler C., Staudinger M., Kreuzer M., Lüscher A.
Counteracting green alder shrub expansion by low-input grazing.
Dans: International Grassland Congress Proceedings. 25.9., Ed. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, Nairobi. 2021, 1-4.

Schlegel P., Walther B., Haldimann Max, Bérard J.
Le lait, source d'iode : Actions envisageables dans l'exploitation laitière pour atteindre une teneur ciblée en iode dans le lait.
Agroscope Transfer, 390, 2021.
autres langues: allemand

Koczura M., Martin B., Musci M., Di Massimo M., Bouchon M., Turille G., Kreuzer M., Bérard J., Coppa M.
Little difference in milk fatty acid and terpene composition among three contrasting dairy breeds when grazing a biodiverse mountain pasture.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 2020, 1-11.

Manzocchi E., Giller K., Bord C., Verdier-Metz I., Bouchon M., Bérard J., Kreuzer M., Martin B., Coppa M.
Effect of different herbage conservation methods on milk composition and milk sensory properties.
Dans: 74. Jahrestagung. 03 - 05.03.2020, Ed. Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie GfE, Göttingen D. 2020, 1-2.

Pauler C., Isselstein J., Bérard J., Braunbeck T., Schneider M. K.
Græsningsallometri: Anatomi, bevægelse og ædeadfærd for tre kvægracer med forskellig produktivitet.
Highland Nyt, 3, 2020, 18-25.

Bérard J., Wechsler B.
Tierschutz: ein wesentliches Forschungsfeld für Agroscope und BLV.
Dans: Tierschutz: ein wesentliches Forschungsfeld für Agroscope und BLV. 26.11., Virtuel (Skype). 2020.

Zehnder T., Lüscher A., Ritzmann C., Pauler C., Bérard J., Kreuzer M., Schneider M. K.
Dominant shrub species are a strong predictor of plant species diversity along subalpine pasture-shrub transects.
Alpine Botany, 130, 2020, 141-156.

Pauler C., Isselstein J., Suter M., Bérard J., Braunbeck T., Schneider M. K.
Selektive græssere.
Highland Nyt, 2, 2020, 13-22.

Pauler C., Isselstein J., Bérard J., Braunbeck T., Schneider M. K.
Grazing allometry: anatomy, movement and foraging behavior of three cattle breeds of different productivity.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, (494), 2020, 1-17.

Pauler C., Isselstein J., Suter M., Bérard J., Braunbeck T., Schneider M. K.
Choosy grazers: Influence of plant traits on forage selection by three cattle breeds.
Functional Ecology, 2020, 1-13.

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