Publications Pascal Fuchsmann

Eichinger J., Reiche A.-M., Fuchsmann P., Huber K., Dohme-Meier F.
Links between volatile organic compounds from exhaled breath and metabolites of blood and ruminal fluid of lactating dairy cows.
Dans: ADSA Annual Meeting. 16-19 June, Ed. American Dairy Science Association, West Palm Beach, Florida (US). 2024, 163.

Tintrop L., Baumeyer Brahier A., Fuchsmann P.
Identification and comparison of volatile organic compound profiles produced by different types of microalgae cultures.
Dans: 2nd D-A-CH Algen Summit. 7-8 May, Ed. Agroscope, Bern. 2024.

Eichinger J., Reiche A.-M., Dohme-Meier F., Fuchsmann P.
Comparison of solid-phase extraction cartridges to optimize the sampling of exhaled volatile organic compounds from dairy cows.
Dans: Spring conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Ed. Agridea / ETH Zurich, Lindau. 2024, 6-7.

Eichinger J., Reiche A.-M., Fuchsmann P., Huber K., Dohme-Meier F.
Investigating the suitability of exhaled volatile organic compounds to discriminate between cows in negative and positive energy balance.
Dans: Spring conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Ed. Agridea / ETH Zurich, Lindau. 2024, 8.

Roder T., Pimentel G., Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Von Ah U., Vergères G., Peischl S., Brynildsrud O., Bruggmann R., Bär C.
Scoary2: rapid association of phenotypic multi-omics data with microbial pan-genomes.
Genome Biology, 25, 2024, 1-19.

Eichinger J., Reiche A.-M., Dohme-Meier F., Fuchsmann P.
Optimization of volatile organic compounds sampling from dairy cow exhaled breath using polymer-based solid-phase extraction cartridges for gas chromatographic analysis.
Journal of Breath Research, 18, (3), 2024, 1-18.

Fuchsmann P., Wins T., Dienesné Nagy A., Bieri S., Bühlmann A.
Das Geheimnis der nächtlichen Weinlese.
ChemiExtra, 1 - 2, 2024, 20-22.

Fuchsmann P., Wins T., Dienesné Nagy A., Bieri S., Bühlmann A.
Harvesting at night or during the day – What is the impact on the sauvignon blanc’s varietal and aroma profiles?
Chimia, 78, (1/2), 2024, 61.

Eichinger J., Reiche A.-M., Münger A., Fuchsmann P., Pimentel G., Huber K., Dohme-Meier F.
Investigation of the suitability of exhaled volatile organic compounds to discriminate different diets in lactating dairy cows.
Dans: GfE Tagung. 5-7 March, Ed. GfE, Göttingen. 2024.

Eichinger J., Reiche A.-M., Münger A., Fuchsmann P., Huber K., Dohme-Meier F.
Correlations between volatile organic compounds of exhaled breath and blood metabolites of lactating dairy cows.
Dans: GfE Tagung. 5-7 March, Ed. GfE, Göttingen. 2024.

Eichinger J., Reiche A.-M., Münger A., Fuchsmann P., Huber K., Dohme-Meier F.
Correlations between volatile organic compounds of exhaled breath and blood metabolites of lactating dairy cows.
Dans: GfE Tagung. 7. March, Göttingen. 2024.

Bär C., Vergères G., Von Ah U., Pimentel G., Fuchsmann P., Blaser C., Macpherson A. J., Ganal-Vonarburg S. C., Sattari Z., Fernandez Trigo N., Bruggmann R., Roder T., Christensen S.
PolyFermentHealth-Projet : Production d’aliments fonctionnels par la fermentation.
Dans: Congrès laitier de Liebefeld. 28 novembre, Ed. Agroscope, Bern. 2023.
autres langues: allemand

Bühlmann A., Wins T., Dienesné Nagy A., Fuchsmann P.
Sauvignon blanc : Harmonieux et complexe.
Vignes et Vergers, 1, 2023, 16-19.
autres langues: allemand

Purtschert G., Von Ah U., Walther B., Guggenbühl B., Zwyssig E., Guggisberg D., Fuchsmann P., Bachmann H.-P., Stoffers H.
HybPi-Cheese: hybrid technology to decrease animal protein maintaining nutritional and sensory properties.
Dans: LAB Symposium 2023. 27. August, Holland (NL). 2023.

Bühlmann A., Wins T., Fuchsmann P., Dienesné Nagy A.
Hefen – Stoffwechsel und Förderung der Aromatik.
Dans: Oenologietagung 2023. 30. August, WBZW Wädenswil (CH). 2023, 1-23.

Fuchsmann P., Von Ah U., Guisolan A., Roetschi A., Christ B.
Bacteria inoculation on sheep wool to improve vegetative growth, yield, taste and aroma in soilless strawberry production.
Dans: 13th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology. 3 - 6 October, Eisenach. 2023, 1.

Roder T., Pimentel G., Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Von Ah U., Vergères G., Peischl S., Brynildsrud O., Bruggmann R., Bär C.
Scoary2: Rapid association of phenotypic large metabolomic datasets with the pan-genome of 44 Propionibacterium freudenreichii.
Dans: Agroscope Bioinformatics Symposium. 16 May, Ed. Agroscope, Zürich. 2023.

Guggenbühl B., Fuchsmann P., Fröhlich-Wyder M. T.
Sensory characteristics of swiss‐type cheese varieties.
Dans: Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products. First edition, Ed. John J. Tuohy, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2023, 195-224.

Yi Meng H., Kim J., Fleuti C., Fuchsmann P., Polakof S., Dardevet D., Marmonier Corinne, Pimentel K. J., Bütikofer U., Vergères G.
Age-dependent serum volatilomics of milk and yogurt intake: a randomized crossover study in healthy young and older men.
Journal of Proteome Research, 22, (4), 2023, 1201-1212.

Von Ah U., Stoffers H., Guggenbühl B., Walther B., Purtschert G., Bachmann H.-P., Fuchsmann P.
HybPi-Cheese: A possibility for animal protein reduction without losing cheese characteristics.
Dans: MiFFI - Microbial Food and Feed Ingredients 2023. 19. April, Copenhagen. 2023, 1-16.

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