Publications Lukas Eggerschwiler

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero Kragten S., Raemy M., Siegenthaler R., Rothacher M., Eggerschwiler L.
Laufende Untersuchung des genetischen Hintergrunds der Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz und der Methanemissionen bei Schweizer Milchkühen: Erste Ergebnisse.
Dans: Liebefelder Milchtagung. 19. November, Ed. Agroscope / HAFL, Zollikofen (CH). 2024.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero Kragten S., Raemy M., Siegenthaler R., Rothacher M., Eggerschwiler L.
EffNMilk: Genetische Grundlagen der Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz beim Milchvieh: Erste Ergebnisse.
Dans: Nutztiertagung. 26. September, Ed. Agroscope, Grangeneuve (CH). 2024.

Manzocchi E., Viry L., Eggerschwiler L., Hayoz B., Schlegel P., Dohme-Meier F.
Affouragement en vert de sorgho multi-coupes : Effets sur l'ingestion, la production, la composition et l'aptitude à la coagulation du lait.
Dans: Rencontres Recherches Ruminants (27e édition). 4 - 5 décembre, Ed. IDELE / INRAE, Paris (FR). 2024, 520.

Mehaba N., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F., Eggerschwiler L., Schlegel P.
Predictive modelling of dry matter intake in lactating dairy cows based on routinely available variables.
Dans: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 1 September, Ed. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024, 1.

Mehaba N., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F., Eggerschwiler L., Schlegel P.
Predictive modelling of dry matter intake in lactating dairy cows based on routinely available variables.
Dans: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 1 - 5 September, Ed. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024, 357.

Manzocchi E., Viry L., Eggerschwiler L., Hayoz B., Schlegel P., Dohme-Meier F.
Green-cut sorghum fed indoor to dairy cows: A strategy to mitigate herbage shortages?
Dans: 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 1-5 September, Ed. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.

Wang K., Räisänen S. E., Eggerschwiler L., He T., Islam M. Z., Li Y., Ma X., Siegenthaler R., Zeng Z., Dohme-Meier F., Niu M.
Feed intake regulation stabilized daily pattern of intake with little impact on rumen fermentation or methane mitigating efficacy of 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) in dairy cows.
Dans: ADSA Annual Meeting. 16-19 June, Ed. American Dairy Science Association, West Palm Beach, Florida (US). 2024, 78.

Pontiggia A., Eggerschwiler L., Reiche A.-M., Keil N., Dohme-Meier F.
Effect of shade availability on the physiological responses, water intake, and feeding behavior of grazing cows with an increasing heat load.
Dans: ADSA Annual Meeting. 16-19 June, Ed. American Dairy Science Association, West Palm Beach, Florida (US). 2024, 249-250.

Mehaba N., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F., Eggerschwiler L., Schlegel P.
Evaluation of different models predicting dry matter intake in multiparous lactating dairy cows.
Dans: Role of animal nutrition in sustainability goals for Switzerland and beyond. 23 May, Ed. ETH Zürich, Lindau. 2024, 42-43.

Guggisberg D., Egger C., Bosshart A., Fehér N., Eggerschwiler L., Schmidt R., Portmann R.
Impact of κ-casein phenotypes on chymosin-induced milk coagulation properties: Application of diffusing wave spectroscopy.
Dans: International conference for cheese science and technology (Bergen, 3.-7.6.2024). 3. June, Bergen. 2024.

Wang K., Räisänen S.E., Eggerschwiler L., He T., Islam M.Z., Li Y., Ma X., Siegenthaler R., Zeng Z., Dohme-Meier F., Niu M.
Feed intake regulation stabilized daily intake pattern but reduced lactational performance with little impact on rumen fermentation or efficacy of 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) in dairy cows.
Dans: Role of animal nutrition in sustainability goals for Switzerland and beyond. 23 May, Ed. ETH Zürich. 2024, 42.

Guggisberg D., Egger C., Bosshart A., Fehér N., Eggerschwiler L., Schmidt R., Portmann R.
Impact of genetic κ-casein variants (A, B, E) on chymosin-induced milk coagulation properties: Application of a new LC–MS-based genotyping method.
International Dairy Journal, 155, 2024, Article 105973.

Démoulins T., Yimthin T., Lindtke D., Eggerschwiler L., Siegenthaler R., Labroussaa F., Jores J.
Temperature impacts the bovine ex vivo immune response towards Mycoplasmopsis bovis.
Veterinary Research, 55, 2024, 1-22.

Pontiggia A., Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Holinger M., Stucki D., Ammer S., Bruckmaier R.M., Dohme-Meier F., Keil N.
Behavioural responses related to increasing core body temperature of grazing dairy cows experiencing moderate heat stress.
Animal, 18, (3), 2024, 1-10.

Lazzari G., Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Borda-Molina D., Seifert J., Camarinha-Silva A., Schrade S., Zähner M., Zeyer K., Kreuzer M., Dohme-Meier F.
Effects of Acacia mearnsii added to silages differing in nutrient composition and condensed tannins on ruminal and manure-derived methane emissions of dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science, 106, (10), 2023, 6816-6833.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
The genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions in Swiss dairy cows: Ongoing activities at Agroscope.
Dans: Agro-Vet Strickhof-Tagung. 7. November, Lindau. 2023, 1.

Foggi G., Turini L., Dohme-Meier F., Muenger A., Eggerschwiler L., Bérard J., Conte G., Buccioni A., Mele M.
In vivo evaluation of tannins and essential oils mixtures as additives for dairy cows.
Dans: Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 26 August – 1 September, Ed. EAAP. 2023, 567.

Reiche A.-M., Tretola M., Eichinger J., Hütten A.-L., Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Pinotti L., Dohme-Meier F.
Bakery by-products in herbage-based diets for dairy cows: Effects on milk yield and reticular pH.
Dans: EAAP Congress. 26 August - 1st September, Lyon. 2023, 295-295.

Kasper-Völkl C., Schori F., Ampuero S., Hayoz B., Siegenthaler R., Eggerschwiler L.
Ongoing research to investigate the genetic background of nitrogen use efficiency and methane emissions of Swiss dairy cows.
Dans: ICAR Meeting. 24. May, Toledo. 2023.

Münger A., Eggerschwiler L., Dohme-Meier F.
Methanabgabe und N-Umsatz von Milchkühen bei Frischfütterung von Esparsette oder Kleegras.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 14, 2023, 96-103.

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