Publications Felix Herzog

Hofer S., Herzog F., Hirte J., Mestrot A., Oberholzer S., Kandeler E., Halswimmer H., Jarosch K.
How do trees affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in a 13-years old Swiss agroforestry system?
In: Jahrestagung 2024. 21 March, Publ. BGS, SGP, SGPW, Zollikofen. 2024, 1.

Martinez-Nuñez C., Gossner M., Maurer C., Neff F., Obrist M., Moretti M., Bollmann K., Herzog F., Knop E., Luka H., Cahenzli F., Albrecht M.
Land‐use change in the past 40 years explains shifts in arthropod community traits.
Journal of Animal Ecology, In Press, 2024, 1-14.

Meier E., Lüscher G., Herzog F., Knop E.
Collaborative approaches at the landscape scale increase the benefits of agri-environmental measures for farmland biodiversity.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 367, 2024, 1-9.

Marja R., Albrecht M., Herzog F., Öckinger E., Segre H., Kleijn D., Batary P.
Quantifying potential trade-offs and win-wins between arthropod diversity and yield on cropland under agri-environment schemes: A meta-analysis.
Journal of Environmental Management, 353, 2024, 1-9.

Li Y., Herzog F., Levers C., Mohr F., Verburg P. H., Bürgi M., Dossche R., Williams T. G.
Agricultural technology as a driver of sustainable intensification: Insights from the diffusion and focus of patents.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44, 2024, 1-21.

Ammann L., Bosem-Baillod A., Herzog F., Frey D., Entling M., Albrecht M.
Spatio-temporal complementarity of floral resources sustains wild bee pollinators in agricultural landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 359, 2024, 1-11.

Gilgen A., Felder R., Baumgartner S., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Séchaud R., Paunovic S., Merbold L., Lucantoni D., Cluset R., Mottet A.
How to assess the agroecological status of Swiss farming systems?: Application of the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) and further development.
Agroscope Science, 172, 2023, 1-52.

Mohr F., Diogo V., Helfenstein J., Debonne N., Dimopoulos T., Dramstad W., Garçia-Martin M., Hernik J., Herzog F., Bürgi M.
Why has farming in Europe changed? A farmers’ perspective on the development since the 1960s.
Regional Environmental Change, 23, (156), 2023, 1-17.

Suškevičs M., Kraner K., Bethwell C., Danzinger F., Kay S., Nishizawa T., Schuler J., Sepp K., Värnik R., Glemnitz M., Semm M., Umstätter C., Conradt T., Herzog F., Klein N. and others
Stakeholder perceptions of agricultural landscape services, biodiversity, and drivers of change in four European case studies.
Ecosystem Services, 64, 2023, 1-17.

Riedel S., Widmer S., Babbi M., Buholzer S., Grünig A., Herzog F., Richner N., Dengler J.
The Historic Square Foot Dataset: outstanding small-scale richness in Swiss grasslands around the year 1900.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 34, (5), 2023, 1-11.

Nishizawa T., Kay S., Schuler J., Klein N., Conradt T., Mielewczik M., Herzog F., Aurbacher J., Zander P.
Towards diverse agricultural land uses: Socio-ecological implications of European agricultural pathways for a Swiss orchard region.
Regional Environmental Change, 23, 2023.

Achermann G., Helfenstein J., Speranza C.I., Herzog F.
Drei Visionen im Realitäts-Check: Avenir Suisse, Bauernverband, Landwirtschaft mit Zukunft.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 14, 2023, 130-140.

Fabian Y., Roberti G., Herzog F.
Feucht(Acker)Flächen - (k)eine schwierige Entscheidung.
In: Konferenz der Beauftragten für Natur- und Landschaftsschutz (KBNL). 14. Juni, Biel. 2023.
other Languages: french

Klein N., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Kay S.
Validating farmland biodiversity life cycle assessment at the landscape scale.
Environmental Science & Technology, 57, (25), 2023, 9184-9193.

Klein N., Grêt-Regamey A., Herzog F., Van Strien M., Kay S.
A multi-scale analysis on the importance of patch-surroundings for farmland birds.
Ecological Indicators, 150, 2023, 1-10.

Fabian Y., Roberti G., Herzog F.
Feucht-(Acker-)Flächen – (k)eine schwierige Entscheidung.
In: 16. Tagung Landmanagement. 18. Januar, Zürich. 2023, 1-15.

Jarosch K., Herzog F., Mayer J.
Climate resilience concept farming.
Publ. Agromix, 2022, 4 pp.

Fabian Y., Roberti G., Jacot-Ammann K., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Walter T., Herzog F.
Ripensare l’utilizzo delle superfici coltive periodicamente inondate: Sintesi del progetto «superfici (coltive) umide».
Agroscope Science, 145, 2022, 1-18.

Roberti G., Gramlich A., Benz R., Szerencsits E., Churko G., Prasuhn V., Leifeld J., Zorn A., Jacot-Ammann K., Herzog F., Fabian Y.
Entscheidungshilfe für feuchte und nasse Ackerflächen: Unterstützung bei der Identifikation von Flächen, auf denen Alternativen zur Entwässerung in Betracht zu ziehen sind.
Agroscope Transfer, 449, 2022, 1-68.
other Languages: french | italian

Neff F., Korner-Nievergelt F., Rey E., Albrecht M., Bollmann K., Cahenzli F., Chittaro Y., Gossner M. M., Martinez Nunez C., Meier E., Monnerat C., Moretti M., Roth T., Herzog F., Knop E.
Different roles of concurring climate and regional land-use changes in past 40 years’ insect trends.
Nature Communications, 13, 2022, 1-12.

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