National Soil Information

The assessment of soil information – be it through classical soil mapping or in the framework of monitoring programmes – is the first link in a long value chain. Scientifically sound soil information offers many benefits to researchers, administrators and policy makers. The National Soil Information System NABODAT intends to compile soil data from various sources, harmonise them and provide them for further needs and studies. NABODAT has been operating as a joint special application of the federal government and the cantons since 2012, after a multi-year development phase.

With the information system NABODAT, harmonised soil data are available to address various questions and problems. First and foremost, NABODAT serves the cantonal soil protection agencies in the daily execution of soil protection. Reliable soil information is also important for studies on increased soil sealing, on climate change, on natural hazards in general and flood control in particular and on securing food production; furthermore, it is important for measures in soil risk prevention (erosion, soil compaction, etc.) and maintenance of soil functions.

Figure: Process chain of Swiss Soil data with the soil information system NABODAT. (Service Center NABODAT)