

How does compacted soil recover?

It takes mere seconds to compact a soil, but years or even decades for it to recover. Biological activities by plant roots and soil organisms (earthworms) as well as physical effects like drying out and rewetting phases, and freezing-thawing cycles are vital for natural regeneration. Exactly how recovery happens is being investigated in a long-term field trial. For this, an observational infrastructure with hundreds of soil probes – the Soil Structure Observatory (SSO) – was set up in 2014 together with ETH Zurich. After the initial compaction event, a fallow, a permanent grassland and a crop rotation with and without tillage were set up. This allows to analyse e.g. the influence of plants and tillage on recovery.

Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Bodenschutz

Regeneration verdichteter Böden

Publikation Arbeitshaltung Melken

Ergonomics in the milking parlour

Milkers frequently suffer from musculoskeletal disorders, especially in the area of the shoulders and arms.  Agroscope therefore investigated whether appropriate working heights can reduce workload in the milking parlour. For this, the angle of flexion of various joints during milking was recorded in one experiment, whilst a second experiment recorded muscle contractions at three different heights. The study showed that although a lower working height in the milking parlour has no effect on forearms or upper arms, it significantly reduces strain on the shoulders. 


Untersuchung der Marktdynamik und der Wirkung von Markteingriffen

Die Schweizer Märkte haben sowohl ökonomische als auch ethische Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Das Projekt bietet dabei Unterstützung.

Dieses Projekt dient einem besseren Verständnis der Marktdynamik im kleinräumigen, geschützten Umfeld der Schweiz. Dieses Verständnis soll dazu dienen, die Wirkung von nicht-tarifären und tarifären Markteingriffen auf Handelsvolumina, Qualität der gehandelten Produkte, Preise, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft sowie übergeordnete gesellschaftliche Ziele wie beispielsweise dem Tierwohl oder der Versorgungssicherheit abzuschätzen und so geeignete Massnahmen zu identifizieren. Dabei wird ein breites Portfolio an Modellen und Methoden eingesetzt und ggf. weiterentwickelt.

Name, Vorname Standort
Ammann Jeanine Tänikon
Mack Gabriele Tänikon
Mann Stefan Tänikon

Irek J.
Price premiums for single‐name and compound‐name geographical indications in Swiss cheese trade.
Agribusiness, In Press, 2024.

Irek J.
Preisaufschläge bei AOP-Käsesorten.
In: 47. Agrarökonomie-Tagung. 19. November, Hrsg. Agroscope, Tänikon (CH). 2024.

Meyer M.
Community-based conservation and wildlife conflict: evaluating costs in Namibia.
Carnivore Damage Prevention News, Spring-Summer, (28), 2024, 60-66.

Fiankor D., Dalheimer B., Mack G.
Pesticide regulatory heterogeneity, foreign sourcing, and global agricultural value chains.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, In Press, 2024, 1-24.

Lin J., Fiankor D.-D. D., Rosero G.
Revisiting the role of governance and institutions on agricultural production.
Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 3, (3), 2024, 556-571.

Ritzel C., Mack G., Fiankor D.-D. D.
The long-term effect of COVID-19 policy stringency on consumer food demand quantities in Switzerland.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 16, 2024, 1-13.

Fiankor D.-D. D., Dalheimer B., Curzi D., Hoffmeister O., Brümmer B.
Does it matter how we ship the good apples out? On specific tariffs, transport modes, and agricultural export prices.
Agricultural Economics, 55, (3), 2024, 498-514.

Chen Y., Fiankor D.-D. D., Fuli T.
Assessing the effect of the round table on responsible soy certification on soybean exports.
The World Economy, 47, (7), 2024, 2970-2994.

Ritzel C., Möhring A., von Ow A.
Vulnerability assessment of food imports: Conceptual framework and empirical application to the case of Switzerland.
Heliyon, 10, (5), 2024, 1-17.

Afesorgbor S. K., Fiankor D.-D. D., Demena B. A.
Do regional trade agreements affect agri-food trade?: Evidence from a meta-analysis.
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 46, (2), 2024, 737-759.

Martey E., Onumah E.E., Onumah J.A., Fiankor D.-D. D.
Non-tariff measures and household welfare: Evidence from Ghana.
Journal of International Development, 36, (2), 2024, 1150-1169.

Irek J.
Strong and weak geographical indications: Who gets the highest cheese prices ?
In: EAAE Conference. 7 September, Rennes. 2023, 1.

Fiankor D.-D. D., Lartey A., Ritzel C.
Agri-food importing firms amid a global health crisis.
Food Policy, 119, 2023, 1-13.

Meyer M., Gazzarin C., El Benni N., Jan P.
The structure of Swiss alpine summer farms: An old tradition through a new lens.
In: 33. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie. 27. September, Wien (AT). 2023.

Chen Y., Fiankor D.-D. D., Kang K., Zhang Q.
Assessing the role of institutional effectiveness on carbon sequestration: The case of China's nature reserve policy.
China Agricultural Economic Review, 15, (4), 2023, 777-794.

Fiankor D.-D. D., Santeramo F. G.
Revisiting the impact of per-unit duties on agricultural export prices.
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 45, (3), 2023, 1472-1492.

Fiankor D.-D. D.
Estimating ad valorem equivalents of non-tariff measures in Swiss agriculture.
Agroscope Science, 156, 2023.

Mann S., Beciu S., Arghiroiu A.
Colouring the Balassa index: a hermeneutic approach towards Romanian meat imports.
Ciência Rural, 53, (2), 2023, 1-9.

Loginova D., Mann S.
Measuring stability and structural breaks: Applications in social sciences.
Journal of Economic Surveys, 37, (2), 2023, 302-320.

Loginova D., Irek J.
Russian meat price transmission and policy interventions in 2014.
Agricultural and Food Economics, 10, 2022, 1-28.

Irek J.
Characterizing Swiss NTM trade policy for agri-food products: From technical barriers to sustainability standards.
Agroscope Science, 148, 2022.

Loginova D.
Assessing the short-term effect of exchange rate liberalisation on food import prices: The regression discontinuity in time employed for Russian food markets in 2014.
Research on World Agricultural Economy, 3, (3), 2022, 52-67.

Fiankor D.-D. D.
Distance to destination and export price variation within agri-food firms.
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 50, (2), 2022, 1-28.

Fedoseeva S., Irek J.
Within-retailer price dispersion in e-commerce: Prevalence, magnitude, and determinants.
Q Open, (2), 2022, 1-20.

Meyer M., Börner, J.
Rural livelihoods, community-based conservation, and human–wildlife conflict: Scope for synergies?
Biological Conservation, 272, 2022, 1-9.

von Ow A., Möhring A., Ritzel C.
Aufbau eines Indikatorsystems zur Beurteilung der Verletzlichkeit der Nahrungsmittelimporte.
In: SGA-Tagung. 28. April, Frick - FiBL. 2022, 1-14.

Rinder Fuetterung

Optimised feed reduces environmental impacts

On behalf of Micarna SA, Agroscope analysed the environmental impacts of beef, pork and poultry production. With beef production, feed intensity was crucial. In the case of pork and poultry production, the quantity of feed used per kg of meat had the greatest influence on environmental impacts. The use of European soya with its shorter transport distances had a positive effect.