2016 / 1


Digestibility and Nutritional Value of Food – How Are They Linked?

Sustainable use of resources is vital in order to continue to meet the nutritional needs of a steadily growing global population.

Fruehere Nummer Agroscope

Editorial: Eating One’s Way to Health

“Let food be thy medicine” wrote Hippocrates (460–370 B.C.), the founder of medicine as a science. More than two thousand years later, this principle still holds true.

Science in Brief

Is EHEC a building material, and Eucarpia a European carp species? Find out in the general survey of Agroscope highlights.


Swiss Soybean for Gourmets

Agroscope has bred some pleasant-tasting varieties of soybean that are perfectly adapted to the Swiss climate.

Antibiotika Fuettung Artikel 4

Preventing Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Pig Feed

If antibiotics are administered via a pipeline system in liquid-feed units, the bacteria in the pipes can become resistant and wind up in the pigs’ stomachs through the feed.

Practical Ways to Assess Sustainability

Sustainably managed farms form an important basis for healthy, fit-for-the-future food production.

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