New Swiss Agri-Environmental Data Network Website


When developing agricultural policy, it is important to know how farming affects the environment. Agroscope’s Swiss Agri-Environmental Data Network (SAEDN) website has been updated in order to make this information freely available to all interested parties.

Agroscope carries out agricultural environmental monitoring on behalf of the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). Agroscope’s Swiss Agri-Environmental Data Network (SAEDN) website has now been updated and is available in German, French and English. On the new web pages, you will find everything you always wanted to know about the SAEDN – clearly arranged according to subject. For those wanting more details there are pop-up boxes with additional information.

Together with the Farm Accountancy Data Network, the SAEDN forms an important part of the Swiss agricultural sector’s economic and environmental monitoring service. Data protection is a key element of this service. Both monitoring programmes also serve as a valuable basis for research, education and extension.


Swiss Agri-Environmental Data Network

How does agricultural practice affect the environment and how does this environmental impact change over time? Agri-environmental monitoring provides answers.

Last modification 07.04.2021

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