Total greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector in 2017 were 6'077 kt CO2 equivalents which is a contribution of 12.9% to the total of Swiss greenhouse gas emissions (excluding indirect CO2, excluding LULUCF). Main agricultural sources of greenhouse gases were 3A Enteric fermentation, emitting 54% of all agricultural greenhouse gases, followed by 3D Agricultural soils with 26% and 3B Manure management with 19%. 3G Liming and 3H Urea application contributed 0.5% and 0.2% respectively. CH4 and N2O emissions generally declined from 1990 until 2004. Subsequently CH4 emissions increased slightly until 2008 and decreased again afterwards. N2O emissions remained more or less on a constant level since 2004. This general development can be explained by the development of the cattle population and the input of mineral fertilisers.