Publikationen Massimiliano Probo

Perotti E., Huguenin-Elie O., Meisser M., Dubois S., Probo M., Mariotte P.
Climatic, soil, and vegetation drivers of forage yield and quality differ across the first three growth cycles of intensively managed permanent grasslands.
European Journal of Agronomy, 122, (January), 2020, 1-11.

Probo M., Perotti E., Amaudruz M.
Parcs de nuit mobiles pour le bétail: un outil pour mieux gérer la végétation des pâturages.
Agridea Merkblatt, November, 2020,

Amaudruz M. , Perotti E., Probo M.
Valeur des fourrages – Stades de développement des prairies.
Fiche technique Agridea, November, 2020,

Perotti E., Huguenin-Elie O., Meisser M., Dubois S., Probo M., Mariotte P.
Impacts of forb abundance on plant nutrition indexes along the growing season in intensively managed permanent grasslands.
Grassland Science in Europe, 25, 2020, 424-426.

Ravetto Enri S., Nucera E., Lonati M., Alberto P. F., Probo M.
The biodiversity promotion areas: effectiveness of agricultural direct payments on plant diversity conservation in the semi-natural grasslands of the Southern Swiss Alps.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 29, 2020, 4155-4172.

Mariotte P., Frick R., Vitra M., Meisser M., Probo M.
Quels sont les effets de la sécheresse sur la production fourragère en Suisse et quelles pratiques les agriculteurs peuvent-ils adopter pour faire face au manque d’eau ?
In: Journées de Printemps de l'AFPF 2020. 25-26 mars, Hrsg. IDELE, 2020, 1-8.

Ampuero S., Pacheco Aguirre J. A., Wyss U., Meisser M., Probo M., Huguenin-Elie O.
Forage organic matter digestibility: NIRS predictions based on in vivo values and standardisation of in vitro determinations.
Grassland Science in Europe, 25, 2020, 215-217.

Wyss U., Probo M., Huguenin-Elie O.
Ensilability and silage quality of grass from intensiv permanent grasslands of contrasting botanical composition.
Grassland Science in Europe, 25, 2020, 366-368.

Probo M.
Des Highlands pour récupérer les pâturages envahis par l’aulne vert.
Journal Agri, 25 septembre, 2020, 16.

Quaglia E., Ravetto Enri S., Perotti E., Probo M., Lombardi G., Lonati M.
Alpine tundra species phenology is mostly driven by climate-related variables rather than by photoperiod.
Journal of Mountain Science, 17, (9), 2020, 2081-2096.

Frick R., Probo M.
Rapport d'acitivité 2019 de l'ADCF.
Hrsg. ADCF, Reckenholz, CH. März, 2020, 22 S.

Ravetto Enri S., Probo M., Renna M., Caro E., Lussiana C., Battaglini L.M., Lombardi G., Lonati M.
Temporal variations in leaf traits, chemical composition and in vitro true digestibility of four temperate fodder tree species.
Animal Production Science, 60, 2020, 643-658.

Probo M.
Une alternative au glyphosate.
Journal Agri, 11 octobre, 2019, 19.

Pittarello M., Probo M., Perotti E., Lonati M., Lombardi G., Ravetto Enri S.
Grazing Management Plans improve pasture selection by cattle and forage quality in sub-alpine and alpine grasslands.
Journal of Mountain Science, 16, (9), 2019, 2140-2149.

Amaudruz M., D'Adda G., Frick R., Gassmann P., Kessler W., Lüscher A., Meisser M., Morisoli R., Probo M., Reidy B., Schüpbach H., Stutz C. J., Suter D., Wyss U.
Rapport d'activité 2018 ADCF.
Hrsg. Association pour le développement de la culture fourragère, Agroscope, Nyon. août, 2019, 20 S.

Meisser M., Vitra A., Deléglise C., Dubois S., Probo M., Mosimann E., Buttler A., Mariotte P.
Nutrient limitations induced by drought affect forage N and P differently in two permanent grasslands.
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 280, (1 August), 2019, 85-94.

Probo M.
Mandrature e punti sale per recuperare la vegetazione dei pascoli invasi da arbusti.
Agricoltore Ticinese, 151, (20), 2019, 16-17.

Huguenin-Elie O., Studer B., Kölliker R., Reheul D., Probo M., Barre P., Feuerstein U., Roldán-Ruiz I., Mariotte P., Hopkins A.
Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management: Proceedings of the Joint 20th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’, Zürich, Switzerlan, 24-27 June 2019.
Hrsg. European Grassland Federation EGF, W. Kessler, Federation Secretary, c/o Agroscope, Zurich, Switzerland. 2019, 558 S.

Lonati M., Probo M., Gorlier A., Pittarello M., Scariot V., Lombardi G., Ravetto Enri S.
Plant diversity and grassland naturalness of differently managed urban areas of Torino (NW Italy).
Acta Horticulturae, 1215, 2018, 247-253.

Galasso G., Domina G., Alessandrini A., Ardenghi NM.G., Bacchetta G., Ballelli S., Bartolucci F., Brundu G., Buono S., Busnardo G., Calvia G., Capece P., D'Antraccoli M., Di Nuzzo L., Fanfarillo E. und weitere
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 6.
Italian Botanist, 6, 2018, 65-90.

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