Publikationen Matthias Volk

Matthias Volk, M. Geissmann, A. Blatter, F. Contat, Jürg Fuhrer
Design and performance of a free-air exposure system to study long-term effects of ozone on grasslands.
Atmospheric Environment, 37, 2003, 1341-1350.

M. Jäggi, Matthias Volk, Jürg Fuhrer
Effects of elevated O3 at two irrigation levels on the d13C of four grassland species in a natural habitat.

Matthias Volk, A. Blatter, P. Bungener, F. Contat, M. Geissmann, M. Montani, Jürg Fuhrer
Response of a pre-alpine pasture to long-term elevated ozone exposure.

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