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Publikationen Samuel Wüst

Blatter A., Wüst S., Hiltbrunner J., Vonzun S., Messmer M., Schneider M.
Investigating mixed cropping systems with pea and lentils for climate smart and demand oriented agriculture.
In: ILS4 - Fourth International Legume Society Conference. 19-22 September, Granada. 2023, 50-51.

Tschurr F., Oppliger C., Wüst S., Kirchgessner N., Walter A.
Mixing things up! Identifying early diversity benefits and facilitating the development of improved variety mixtures with high throughput field phenotyping.
The Plant Phenome Journal, 6, (1), 2023, 1-12.

Vonzun S., Blatter A., Wüst S., Hiltbrunner J., Schneider M., Messmer M.
Investigating mixed cropping systems with pea and lentils for climate-smart and demand oriented agriculture.
In: Fourth International Legume Society Conference 2023. 19 September, Granada. 2023, 1.

Montazeaud G., Helleu Q., Wüst S., Keller L.
Indirect genetic effects are shaped by demographic history and ecology in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2023, 1-17.

Hiltbrunner J., Wüst S., Blatter A., Vonzun S., Klaiss M., Messmer M.
Optimierung des Mischkultursystems Erbse-Gerste zur Sicherung der lokalen Eiweissversorgung.
In: Feldrundgänge & Präsentation Projekt PROMISE 2023. Juni, Hrsg. Agroscope, Stiegenhof, Arenenberg, Utzenstorf & Sargans. 2023.

Kopp E., Niklaus P. A., Wüst S.
Ecological principles to guide the development of crop variety mixtures.
Journal of Plant Ecology, 16, (6), 2023, 1-15.

Wüst S., Schulz L., Rana S., Frommelt J., Ehmig M., Pires N., Grossniklaus U., Hardtke C., Hammes U., Schmid B., Niklaus P.
Single-gene resolution of diversity-driven overyielding in plant genotype mixtures.
Nature Communications, 14, 2023, 1-11.

Wüst S., Pires N.D., Luo S., Vasseur F., Messier J., Grossniklaus U., Niklaus P.
Increasing plant group productivity through latent genetic variation for cooperation.
PLOS Biology, 20, (20), 2022, e3001842.

Blatter A., Wüst S., Vonzun S., Haug B., Meyer M., Messmer M.M., Hiltbrunner J.
Nachhaltige Proteinversorgung mit Mischkulturen in der Schweiz: Erbse und Linse im Fokus.
In: . Bulletin 32. 2022, 10-11.

Blatter A., Wüst S., Hiltbrunner J., Vonzun S., Messmer M.
Stabilere Proteinproduktion dank Mischkulturen.
Landfreund, 3, 2022, 18-20.

Wüst S.E., Peter R., Niklaus P.A.
Ecological and evolutionary approaches to improving crop variety mixtures.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5, 2021, 1068-1077.

Vonzun S., Messmer M. M., Hiltbrunner J., Wüst S., Blatter A., Oppliger C., Haug B., Wille L., Hohmann P.
Optimising species complementarities in mixed cropping systems to secure local protein supply.
In: Intercropping for Sustainability Conference. 18. Januar, Hrsg. Association of Applied Biologists, Virtual via Zoom. 2021, 1.

Vonzun S., Messmer M., Hiltbrunner J., Wüst S., Blatter A., Oppliger C., Haug B., Wille L., Hohmann P.
Optimising species complementarities in mixed cropping systems to secure local protein supply.
In: Intercropping for Sustainability Conference. 18.01., Hrsg. FIBL & Agroscope, Virtual via Zoom - Association of Applied Biologists. 2021, 1.