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Publikationen Florian Walder

Fabian Y., Hutchings C., Wüst C., Jacot-Ammann K., Walder F., Holzkaemper A.
Alternative landwirtschaftliche Kulturen auf Feuchtackerflächen im Umfeld von Mooren in der Schweiz.
Agroscope Science, 190, 2024, 1-39.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Roberti G., Bragazza L., Bretscher D., den Hond-Vaccaro C., Jarosch K., Keel S., Mariotte P., Merbold L., Reissig L., Walder F., Herzog F., Kay S.
Evaluation der Rolle von Agroforst in einer gesamtheitlichen Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungspolitik.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 199-206.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Fabian Y., Hutchings C., Wüst C., Jacot-Ammann K., Walder F., Holzkaemper A., Klaus V., van der Meer M., Kay S.
Standortangepasste Nutzungen für vernässende landwirtschaftliche Flächen: Hintergrund und allgemeine Informationen.
Agroscope Transfer, 539, 2024, 1-18.
weitere Sprachen: französisch

Rubeaud C., Kay S., Jarosch K., Walder F.
Impact of age and diversity of Swiss agroforestry systems on soil health.
In: 7th European Agroforestry Conference. 29. May, Brno. 2024.

Rubeaud C., Kay S., Jarosch K., Walder F.
Soil health in Swiss agroforestry systems.
In: Jagrestagung SGP/SSP BGS/SSP SGPW/SSA. 21 March, Zollikofen. 2024, 1.

Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Guillaume T., Walder F., Bragazza L.
The use of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of agricultural soil fertility: A proposition of best practice by comparing scanning positions and spectrometers.
Soil Use and Management, 40, (1), 2024, 1-13.

Jia Y., van der Heijden M., Valzano A., Jocher M., Walder F.
Mycorrhizal fungi mitigate nitrogen losses of an experimental grassland by facilitating plant uptake and soil microbial immobilization.
Pedosphere, 34, (2), 2024, 399-410.

Jarosch K., Hirte J., Walder F.
ARTEMIS: Agro-ecological strategies for promoting climate change Mitigation and Adaptation by enhancing soil ecosystem services and sustainable crop production.
In: EJP SOIL Annual Science Days. 12 June, Hrsg. Agroscope, Riga. 2023.

Toda M., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Organic management and soil health promote nutrient use efficiency.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2, (3), 2023, 215-224.

Bucheli T., Barmettler E., Bartolome N., Hilber I., Hornák K., Meuli R. G., Reininger V., Riedo J., Rösch A., Sutter P., van der Heijden M., Wächter D., Walder F.
Pesticides in agricultural soils: Major findings from various monitoring campaigns in Switzerland.
Chimia, 77, (11), 2023, 750-757.

Riedo J., Yokota A., Walther B., Bartolomé N., van der Heijden M., Bucheli T., Walder F.
Temporal dynamics of total and bioavailable fungicide concentrations in soil and their effect upon nine soil microbial markers.
Science of the Total Environment, 878, 2023, 1-10.

Walder F., Schmid M. W., Riedo J., Valzano A., Banerjee S., Büchi L., Bucheli T., van der Heijden M.
Soil microbiome signatures are associated with pesticide residues in arable landscapes.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 174, 2022, 1-12.

Metzger K., Liebisch F., Herrera J. M., Walder F., Bragazza L.
Field-based application of visible and near-infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy for soil chemical and physical characterization.
In: Swiss Geoscience Meeting. 19. November, Hrsg. EPFL, Lausanne. 2022.

Riedo J., Herzog C., Banerjee S., Fenner K., Walder F., van der Heijden M., Bucheli T.
Concerted evaluation of pesticides in soils of extensive grassland sites and organic and conventional vegetable fields facilitates the identification of major input processes.
Environmental Science & Technology, 56, (19), 2022, 13686-13695.

Jia Y., Zhang T., Walder F., Sun Y., Shi Z., Wagg C., Tian C., Gu F.
Can mycorrhizal fungi alleviate plant community instability caused by increased precipitation in arid ecosystems?
Plant and Soil, 2022, 1-19.

Büchi L., Walder F., Banerjee S., Colombi T., van der Heijden M., Keller T., Charles R., Six J.
Pedoclimatic factors and management determine soil organic carbon and aggregation in farmer fields at a regional scale.
Geoderma, 409, (1 March), 2021, 1-12.

Ma Y., Zhang H., Wang D., Guo X., Yang T., Xiang X., Walder F., Chu H.
Differential responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities to long-term fertilization in the wheat rhizosphere and root endosphere.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87, (17), 2021, 1-38.

Charles, R., Büchi, L., Walder F., Colombi, T., Keller T., Banerjee, S., Six, J., van der Heijden M.
Evaluating the strengths and weakness of conventional, no-till and organic cropping systems: an assessment of yield, soil protection and environmental performance.
In: Organic World Congress. 21-27.09.2020, Hrsg. IFOAM Organics International, Rennes, France. 2021.

Romero Blanch F., Cazzato S., Walder F., Vogelgsang S., Bender S. F., van der Heijden M.
Humidity and high temperature are important for predicting fungal disease outbreaks worldwide.
New Phytologist, online, (13 March), 2021.

Riedo J., Wettstein F., Rösch A., Herzog C., Banerjee S., Büchi L., Charles R., Wächter D., Martin-Laurent F., Bucheli T., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Widespread Occurrence of Pesticides in Organically Managed Agricultural Soils—the Ghost of a Conventional Agricultural Past?
Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 2021, 2919-2928.

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