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Soil-dwelling insect pests may cause considerable damage to crops worldwide, and their belowground lifestyle makes them hard to control. Amongst the most promising control agents for subterranean pests are soilborne entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) such as Metarhizium brunneum. Albeit EPF can be highly pathogenic to their target pest species under laboratory conditions, their efficacy in the field is often limited due to adverse environmental conditions. Here, we test for the first time if the efficacy of EPF can be improved when they are augmented with trap crops. In a field experiment, the M. brunneum strain ART2825 was combined with a trap crops mixture of six plant species and evaluated for its control effect of wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae). When both were combined in the main crop, potato damage was lowered on average by 42.5% and wireworm abundance by 50.8%. Single application of trap crops or EPF lowered damage/pest abundance only by 29.9%/15.89% and 34.7%/4.77%, respectively. Importantly, the strength of the synergistic pest control effect between trap crops and EPF increased disproportionately with increasing wireworm abundance. However, DNA-based gut content analysis showed that wireworms’ feeding preferences were not shifting toward the trap crops. Our findings demonstrate that combining trap crops with EPF improves the efficacy of the latter and leads to a synergistic control effect which magnifies with increasing wireworm abundance. Hence, the synergistic effect of EPF and trap crops might be a promising control strategy for soil-dwelling pests in general and significantly improve our abilities to manage soil pests environmentally friendly.